Mineral Definition Caused High Blood Pressure

ForHealthy - Mineral Definition Caused High Blood Pressure | High blood pressure or hypertension, refers to a condition in which blood is pumped throughout the body at high pressure. High blood pressure can be caused by an underlying medical condition, stress or narrowing of the arteries. In addition, the high blood pressure has also been associated with nutritional factors. In the process, the body's system requires a complete nutrient intake (carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals) to perform its functions properly. Balance your intake of nutrients is very influential on the condition of the body to maintain optimal health.

In addition to the main macro nutrients and vitamins, mineral elements is one of the nutrients that are also very important to support the health of the body. Although included in the micro-nutrients, mineral deficiencies can cause harm to health, one of which could cause high blood pressure. The development of high blood pressure due to the lack of mineral levels in the body is mainly related to the low levels of potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body.


Potassium is a mineral that is essential to support the functions of the heart and muscles. Condition in which the body does not have enough potassium in the body called hypokalemia. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, inadequate potassium levels have been associated with the development of high blood pressure. Potassium can be lost through the urine as a result of taking certain medications. Levels of potassium are lost can be replaced by way of consuming healthy food sources of potassium such as bananas, potatoes, melons, citrus fruit, Orange and prune. Generally, potassium intake for adults is 2000 mg.


Magnesium helps regulate muscle tone of the circulatory system. Magnesium deficiency can affect blood pressure. According to the National Institutes of Health, magnesium is responsible for more than 300 cell function in the body. Magnesium is stored in the bones and tissues of the body, and magnesium deficiency usually only occurs when the body does not get an adequate intake of magnesium. Generally, calcium intake recommendations for adults between 300 and 420 mg per day. Examples of foods rich in magnesium are leafy green vegetables such as spinach.


In addition to build bone health, calcium plays a role in the expansion and contraction of blood vessels properly, impulse transmission of the nervous system and hormone secretion. In order to perform its functions properly, the body requires adequate calcium intake. The Linus Pauling Institute reports that 23 scientific studies demonstrating the relationship between calcium intake and blood pressure drop. The recommended calcium intake in adults is 1000-1200 mg. of calcium Intake is adequate to help prevent and treat high blood pressure. Foods high in calcium is dairy products and green vegetables. When choosing dairy products, we recommend that you choose low-fat dairy products to reduce your intake of fat from food.

Lifestyle modifications to the better is the pillar in building healthy habits. Apply a balanced diet, stop smoking and drinking alcohol as well as routine exercise is a lifestyle change that is believed to be the best efforts to fight hypertension. In addition, the added mineral intake of potassium, magnesium and calcium has been shown to lower blood pressure and suppress the risk of developing hypertension. Therefore, consuming foods that contain these three types of these minerals is strongly recommended for people with hypertension or for those working to prevent hypertension.

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