IN the midst of a snack food product choices, a mother should carefully choose healthy snacks for children, and also for himself - including the mother during pregnancy and lactation. To be free from worry, what snack food product can be a healthy choice of the mother?
In addition to the main meal, snack foods is also important to consider the health of the mother to the whole family. Many snacks that are high in fat, sugar, and salt so unhealthy consumption.
Choosing the type of snack foods such as these can contribute excess calories but low in nutritional value. If it continues, nutrition can not be fulfilled. For pregnant women, it can cause the baby take the nutrients it needs from the mother's body, to the detriment of the health of the mother. And for children, nutritional deficiencies can interfere with growth and development.
Not only for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding should also pay attention to the food consumed. Nutrient intake during breastfeeding is important to note because the process requires a lot energi3 breastfeeding and can affect the composition of some nutrients in ASI4.
So how to choose healthy snacks for pregnant women?
There are plenty of healthy options that can be consumed by pregnant and lactating women as a snack or heavy foods, such as:
- fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals,
- whole grains are rich in fiber,
- meat (choose low-fat part) and nuts are rich in protein and iron,
- as well as low-fat milk and other dairy products.
And finally, limit foods high in saturated fat, sugar, and salt because these foods are generally high in calories but low in nutritional content.