5 Ways To Children No Fear Needles


Child's first experience with a syringe typically produce trauma. They become afraid of needles, so they will cry and refuse when you take her to the doctor and injected for the umpteenth time.

Indeed, you can completely eliminate the fear of children, but you can still try to reduce and overcome. Here are 5 ways you can do:

Explain the importance of Injections

Talk with children about the importance of vaccination. Also, give it the understanding that follow the treatment by injection is certainly not intended to hurt or scare. Tell me if the pain will be felt for a few seconds can make a strong and healthy child, and explain about the things he could not get as sick (eg, away from his classmates).

Being a Role Model

If possible, take the kids when you want to get the vaccine and let the child see you injected. Show me calm face without fear, even if you are feeling nervous. Just do not lie to the child if the injection does not cause pain. Say that the injection is going to make sick for a few seconds, but it needs to be done so that children stay healthy.

Topical Anesthetic Cream Request

If a child really feel frightened by the pain, you can ask your doctor to provide topical anesthesia or cream that can make numb. This cream is applied one hour before the child was injected and able to absorb into the skin, thereby reducing pain.

Kick Cough-cough

Switch the child focus on objects in the room. Find a poster or painting that you're interested in a wall, for example, there are pictures of scenery then you can invite children to count the number of trees or animals in the picture. Recommended method also coughing, where children can be asked to cough before and during an injection. Coughing during an injection can provide distraction and stimulate an increase in blood pressure which inhibits the perception of pain.

Praise and Encouragement

After the injection, give the child a compliment that he was the son of the brave. Perhaps you could also give your child's favorite food as a 'gift', or take her out to places he has never visited.

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