Unfortunately a lot of information circulating about the health of beans has misled us. Many most people say when we snack nuts that will make your face acne. Akacang because it contains fat and trigger the appearance of acne.
Though researchers have said, snacking actually very good for the body. Nuts can make our bodies to be healthy and that especially in our heart that will become stronger than ever. Expert researchers from Vanderbilt University study in the United States said, "Nuts are very rich in nutrients such as fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and also arginine vitokimia", he said Xiao-Ou Shu.
The research experts have added that, "All the nutritional content is already known to be so beneficial to the health of our heart, because beans have properties such as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative so be able to maintain the health of the heart", he added.
Eating nuts could also able to prevent the attack of free radicals that can destroy the healthy cells in our heart. So we do not have to worry anymore if we really liked the food nut. Because if peanuts are consumed with the amount that was perfectly natural, the nut is able to provide some benefits for our health.
Many of the benefits that exist in this nut can make the human heart to be healthy, and even not only for heart healthy, but can also provide the health of other organs in our body. So basically, it's not all beans can make facial skin misleading, but beans can also nourish our bodies.