Ingredients Probiotics In Yogurt Affect Mood and Prevent Depression


During this time the content of probiotics contained in yogurt is being used to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract only. But apparently this content also affects one's mood, thus helping to avoid depression.

Probiotics has been known to help treat irritable bowel syndrome, infectious diarrhea, maintain healthy skin and mouth. Well, a recent study of the Leiden Institute of Brain and Cognition at Leiden University, the Netherlands showed that probiotics can help to improve mood.

Consumption of yogurt and even believed to be a good way to fight anxiety or depression. Especially after you pass a bad day.

To prove this theory, the researchers examined 40 young adults without a mood disorder. Half of them powdered probiotic supplements every night for four weeks. This probiotic supplement reportedly contains eight types of bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Lactococcus. While other participants taking placebo.

As a result, they are probiotic supplements dilaporlan experienced improvement in their mood. They reported having a better mood and avoid excess stress, when compared with those taking placebo. In other words, people who consume probiotic supplements are better able to cope with a bad mood.

"These results provide evidence that the intake of probiotics can help reduce the negative thoughts associated with sad mood," said Lorenza S. Colzato, author of the study, as quoted by Time, Monday (04/13/2015).

According to another study in 2013 that examined the association between intestinal bacteria and mental health, not much is known about how the digestive system can affect mood and behavior disorders. Further research will be related to it. Nevertheless, it provides a menu of Greek yogurt several times a week are believed to be able to have a positive effect on your mood.

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