Tummy tuck or in the medical world is also called abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to flatten the abdomen by removing the excess fat and skin and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. In contrast with liposuction surgery (liposuction), although you can perform the same operations both in the surgery as well.
Tummy tuck itself is divided into 2 types:
Complete abdominoplasty
The doctor will cut your abdomen and gives contours to the skin, tissue and muscles. This surgery also includes moving your belly button and you will be using drainage for several days postoperatively.
Partial or mini abdominoplasty
Mini abdominoplasty is often performed on people who have fat deposits terlokasir in the lower abdomen, below the navel.
Who should perform this procedure?
Tummy tuck may be performed in men and women in good physical condition. Tummy tuck often be an another option for men and women who never obese and still have fat deposits or sagging skin in the abdominal area. In addition, in women who have given birth several times, this procedure is considered beneficial to tighten the abdominal muscles and reduce excess skin.
Who is not advisable to do this procedure?
- Women who are planning to become pregnant
- During operation, the vertical abdominal muscles are tightened and pregnancy can separate these muscles.
- If you are planning to lose weight that much
- tummy tuck should be the last choice after you try all ways. This procedure is not an alternative choice for weight loss.
- Also consider the risk of getting scarring (old surgical wound healed) after this procedure. Consult with your doctor before doing surgery.
What should be prepared before doing this procedure?
The first step of course meet and consult with a plastic surgeon. The doctor will also ask you to stop smoking at least 2 weeks before surgery until two weeks postoperatively. Besides medicines (including herbal medicines) also dismissed two week pre-surgery.
What are the complications that may occur?
- Pain and swelling in the area of operations
- Bruising and numbness
- Infection
- Bleeding on the bottom flap
- Blood clots
- Scarring