Short Stature People More Heart Disease Risk

WHEN compared with whites or commonly known as the Western, Indonesian people, including short. Not many people in Indonesia who has a height of more than 180 cm, especially women. And it turns out there is bad news associated with height and the health of your heart.

As quoted from, a study followed by nearly 200,000 men and women found that shorter people have a higher risk of heart disease than those who have a high body. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, each 2.5 inch increase in height person, can reduce the risk of heart disease by 13.5 percent. So, the higher the body, the smaller the risk.

Scientists have long considered that there is a relationship between heart health and a person's height, and a recent study found that genes that control the body height is directly related to the risk of heart disease.

But that does not mean higher a person's body becomes the main factor causing heart disease. There are still many other factors that can affect the level of risk of heart disease, the main one of which is smoking. Smoking can increase the potential of up to 200-300% of heart disease.

So, if you already have a short body and smoke, imagine how many times your risk of heart disease? Let's keep a healthy life and reduce the risk of deadly disease.

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