Natural Ways to Treat Sore Throat and Nose Stuffy In Children


IN children, throat and nasal congestion is usually caused by allergies. There are a few things you can try to help relieve the discomfort in your child. Here's the explanation:

1. Water and other liquids

One simple solution to solve incompressible throat is consuming enough water, especially warm water. Warm water can help loosen mucus in the airways of children. When children get bored with plain water, try warm juice, broth, or tea without caffeine, such as chamomile or peppermint. Chicken soup can also relieve the discomfort, because it is anti-inflammatory and can thin the mucus out.

2. The salt water and saline spray

Salt water and saline spray can help remove mucus and relieve some of the pain associated with throat clogged you can buy saline spray at a nearby pharmacy. But you can also create their own saline solution by mixing half a teaspoon of salt with water. Note: salt water is not for drinking but is only used for gargling.

3. Steam

Another way to help reduce clogged throat is by inhalation of vapor or moisture. If you have a vaporizer (not electronic cigarette vaporizer), take the kids to a room and ask him to breathe for 10 to 15 minutes for two or three times per day. If you do not have a vaporizer, you can prepare a medium size tub filled water vapor. Use a towel to cover the child's head when he put his face over the steam.

4. Drugs

As an alternative home remedies, you can buy a decongestant drugs are available at a nearby pharmacy. But should not be given to children for more than three days, because the child's body can depend, throat conditions could deteriorate even after they stop taking the drug. Most antihistamines are also safe for children and can help reduce the amount of mucus production. However, it could still monitor the situation of children as antihistamines can cause drowsiness and headache.

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