Photographed selfie Dangerous For Mental Health - Selfie, this word is getting popular nowadays. Not a few of the artists, doctors and officials of all kinds of people happy with that name selfie photo. But do you know, if it is passed and becomes a habit it can cause mental health problems. Selfie is photographed themselves and then to be uploaded and displayed on social media accounts either facebook or twitter. I've previously discussed the Benefits of Exercise For Mental Health
Taken from the BBC, it turns out if we often do selfie and do it over and over again for a long time and then we can be sure we will often browse and view photos selfie other people could make her feel safe and comfortable. Why does this happen? Feeling insecure against his own body because too often exposed in social media make mental health impaired.
From the results of the study by the University of Strathclyde, Ohio University and the University of Iowa noted that the average woman who likes to take pictures selfie dang uploaded to social media, he was viewed negatively. Surveys conducted of 881 student respondents United States and frequently asked questions about how often to use social media, schedule of diet and exercise as well. Regarding whether or not the relationship is often uploading photos selfie and eating disorders were not found to do. But that is precisely the existence of photo selfie found closely associated with mental health problems is like comparing a negative image of a person's body.
When they more often spend time to look at photos of friends on social media, usually he would compare well with his own body. And this can make them feel a negative thought to look yourself.
When the body image is the identity of a person, especially a physical problem such as beauty, weight, body ideal, etc. and compare them with photos of our friends in social media this would lead to "bounce" the person feels jealous, insecure, and do not believe self.
Especially for those who are still young, they would be comparing their photos with his photo and a photo of yourself when this condition is not good and compare it with other friends, he would feel very guilty with this body condition. Now when this happens, the psychological condition of the impact is due to a mental disorder occurs selfie photo.