Health Trick - Low blood disease or Hypotension (Hypotension) is a situation where a person's blood pressure dropped below the normal number, i.e. reaching a low value of 90/60 mmHg. normal values of blood pressure a person with size height, weight, normal activity level and health in General is 120/80 mmHg.
However, some people may have the value of blood pressure (tensi) range 110/90 mmHg or even 100/80 mmHg but they have not or rarely saw some complaints means, so it is perceived only in her everyday activities.
If the condition persists, it is supported by a number of factors that enables triggering a significant decrease in blood pressure such as perspiration and urination many but less drinking, lack of sleep or less rest (tired with excessive activity) as well as menstruation with excessive bleeding (abnormal) then blood pressure would reach threshold low (hypotension) 90/60 mmHg.
The cause
The condition of hypotension can be caused by things such as dehydration, too long sleep, malnourished, amount or less blood volume, cardiac disorders, endocrine disorders, pregnancy, and neurological conditions. Certain medications such as beta blockers, alpha blockers, diuretics, antidepressants, etc. can also cause low blood pressure.
That's How to Treat Low Blood :
1. Drink plenty of plain water
White water has the neutralizer, white water is believed to be a natural remedy for addressing and preventing various diseases, including blood is low. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consume a lot of water every day, at least as much as 8 glasses per day.
2. The consumption of many vegetable fats
Vegetable fat is one of the main sources that can help you overcome high blood. Eating more vegetable fats than animal fats is recommended because it is more easily digested and the risk to result in cholesterol is also smaller. It is recommended to consume vegetable fats from nuts and wheat. Nuts nuts according to research at harvard says that often consume legumes such as beans, garbanzo beans, green beans, and others can help increase blood pressure to normal.
It is recommended also to consume foods that contain a lot of salt. Salt is one of the natural substances that can increase the rate of red blood cell production and is very helpful to raise blood pressure.
3. Cut down on sugar and alcohol
Sugar and alcohol have an effect your blood pressure increases dramatically. For those who have low blood, an increase that is too abrupt tensi could lead to a fairly dangerous side effects, such as acute dizziness, fainting, and even berkunang-kunang. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume too much alcohol and sugar in a short time.
Alcohol is not good for our blood pressure due to the binding of the blood in the body. In addition, sugar and alcohol also has many negative effects for your body. Sugar can cause diabetes which can result in various complications. Alcohol is also having an impact on the nervous system destruction if too much is consumed continuously.
4. Drink coffee
Caffeine is contained in coffee enable adenosine hormone that dilates blood vessels. Bedarasarkan research conducted by several international doctors Association, one of PERKI (society of Cardiovascular Specialist Indonesia), coffee is one of the natural ingredients that can help you overcome the blood is low. Konsumsilah one to two cups of coffee per day to help you overcome the sense of weak and berkunang-kunang because tensi blood is very minimal. However, excessive consumption will encourage the production of excessive adrenal hormone leads to high blood pressure disease. In addition, the caffeine in coffee can also make you more fresh. Although only a temporary, caffeine is very useful to generate energy you are actually there, but have not risen because of blocked-stop by a weak taste caused by low blood.