ForHealthy - Migraine And Menstruation | Migraine is a complex condition with many different symptoms. For many people, the main characteristic of migraine are pain on one side of the head. Other symptoms may include impaired vision, sensitivity to light, sound and smell, feel sick and vomit. Migraines can be very scary and can result in you should remain lying down for several hours. In women, they experienced a migraine complaint often associated with menstruation. Most women begin experiencing frequent migraines since the age of adolescence, where they started having menstruation.
Migraines and headaches can occur as part of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) with other PMS symptoms like breast pain, low mood and felt offended. PMS is generally experienced between 70% to 90% of women infertile. Various studies have shown that there is a close relationship between female sex hormones and migraine. Some women are more sensitive to the fluctuations of hormones in the menstrual cycle. Studies indicate that migraine can be triggered by a drop in estrogen levels like that naturally occur in the time before you are experiencing menstruation. Factors such as the release of prostaglandins (fatty acids naturally the way it works is similar to hormones) have also been alleged to get involved at this time.
About 50% of women experience migraines associated with the menstrual cycle. Complaints of migraine may occur on the whole menstrual cycle, not only during the period in progress. This is related to biological changes in your body that occur both physically and psychologically. The balance of sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone will effect conferring broad on the body. Many researchers believe that estrogen is the hormone changes that trigger migraine attacks related to menstruation. Related to this, it is not uncommon to many women who experience migraine while using the contraceptive pill, this is a result of changes in estrogen levels.
Some women may also be a certain premenstrual food cravings. A study showed that the cause of women experience premenstrual migraines can also be caused by the type of food they choose in the time leading up to menstruation. Food that has been linked to migraines include red wine, some type of cheese, such as caffeine and flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Complaints of migraine can be managed effectively with lifestyle changes. Many drugs are also available to prevent and relieve the pain of migraines. However, we encourage you to consult in advance with the doctor in order to get the best medication recommendations with the fewest side effects. The doctor may perform a different approach to address Your migraine adjusted with factors trigger.