Health Trick - With respect to World Vision Day, then today Hello Doctor Indonesia will discuss about sports for sufferers of Myopia. Myopia or Myopic far is one of the very common eye conditions encountered. The sufferers who have low vision will be difficult to see distant objects being located rather far from the gaze of his eyes. This condition may suffer lifetime or may be lost. Difficulty focusing on a distant object view caused by the weakening of the views arising from the condition Congenital abnormal anatomy. To overcome this, sufferers can take several ways. How the public is using laing eyeglasses and contact lenses. There is also the preferred to travel the way of the operation to fix his eye sight.
Many people do not realize is that one of the organs on the eye muscle is a muscle and should be trained on a regular basis in order to remain in good condition. Here are a few exercises that you can do at home and can improve Your vision:
Looking around the room
Search for comfortable seating. Make sure you sit in the room or place in which many contain objects that can be seen. Could probably be done in the living room or even in the garden. Choose one side and start the scan by slowly any existing objects. Each object point of view carefully, make sure you looked at each object in its entirety, and then move to the next object. In order to be successful, you should see the movement slow and steady. This exercise will help you focus on items that are far and near of you.
Exercises with pencil
Sit with your back straight, this time, hold the pencil away from the eye to the double pencil in your views. In this position, hold a pencil in your hand. Then imagine there are 9 boxes and pencil boxes are in the most central,
Now move your pencil entered every shadow boxes. Every time you move, Your eyes will follow suit, and then back again to the middle. Do this exercise at least sekalii in a day. You will begin to see positive changes in Your eyes.
Practice focus
For this exercise you should sit and you need a pencil. Hold the pencil about 15 cm away from the tip of your nose. Don't pencil point of view they will be, then quickly past the pencil point of view switch views to an object that is located on the other side of the room. Do this for a few seconds and then switch back to view the pencil for a few seconds. Do this process 10 times per day. After sight improved, change the focus of the eyes to the other objects that the distance is farther.
Exercise with the help of finger
This exercise can help you focus on objects that are far away from you. You have to stand in the middle of the room and the back should be upright facing a painting on the wall and then waved Your index finger a couple of centimeters from your nose. Focus on the views on the fingertips and make sure your eyes are really focused before performing the next step.
Now quickly divert your gaze to the painting on the wall. First painting will experience distortion in your views. keep staring at him until finally a view focused on painting. Gradually, after getting used to it, plus the distance between you and the paintings.