The Dangerous Drugs During Pregnancy


ForHealthy - When pregnant, the expectant mother must undergo an absolute pattern of healthy living for a healthy baby. Pregnant women need to get enough rest, eat a lot of nutritious foods and exercising regularly to support the health of her pregnancy. In addition, pregnant women should also avoid anything that could be harmful to the health of mother and baby including the use of drugs. Therefore, it is very important to know what dangerous drugs can cause serious defects in the baby if it is taken during pregnancy.

Use of certain drugs during pregnancy can cause adverse effect on the health of the mother and the baby. Sometimes the mother forced to take certain drugs to treat health conditions such as epilepsy, asthma, depression or high blood pressure. Before you consider taking the drugs during pregnancy, it is very important to know about the benefits and risks.

Some drugs can pass through the placenta to the fetal blood circulation which is where this can lead to the levels of the drug in the circulation of the fetus is almost equal to the levels in the blood of the mother. This condition may harm the fetus especially when consumed in early pregnancy. The reason, first trimester pregnancy is a time of growth and development of the system of organs of the fetus. That period is a vulnerable period in which the occurrence of defects, miscarriage, as well as impaired fetal growth and development.

Here are five drugs that can be dangerous if taken while pregnant:

1. Anti acne remedy

Pregnant women are advised to avoid this type of anti-depressant drugs acne like Etretinat (Tegison) and Isotretinoin (Accutane) during her pregnancy. The drugs normally used to treat chronic acne and psoriasis problem and its use during pregnancy can cause some serious damage to the baby in the womb, one of which included the development of the fetal organs is not optimal.

2. Anti migraine drugs

Anti-drug migraine such as ergotamine and methysergide is used to prevent migraine attacks. Unfortunately, these drugs can increase the risk of premature delivery if taken during pregnancy. Therefore, the drug should be completely avoided by pregnant women.

3. Anti drug seizures

Anti drug seizures like carbamezapine (Tegretol) and phenytoin (Dilantin) is a drug used to control epileptic seizures. These drugs have been associated with mental retardation and heart defect in the baby if it is taken during pregnancy.

4. Drugs and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory

Drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs to other non-steroidal have been linked to blood clots and an increased risk of uncontrolled bleeding in the mother and the prospective infants.
Anti coagulant

Some drugs anti coagulant based coumarin is useful for the treatment of stroke and heart disease to slow blood clotting. However, these drugs should be avoided during pregnancy because it can cause birth defects such as facial malformations and mental retardation.

Because of the danger it could be fatal, women who plan to become pregnant should consult a doctor if they suffer from serious health conditions before they become pregnant. Consult drug is or will be the mother of consumption on the doctor. If the mother has a history of certain diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart pain, and has been regularly taking certain medications since before getting pregnant, ask your doctor about the safety of these drugs if taken during pregnancy. So is the cure for the disease, such as seasonal flu, diarrhea, cough, and others. When pregnant, mothers should avoid using any medication without consulting with your doctor.

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