How to Distinguish Between Dementia and Alzheimer's

06.35 Add Comment
Health Trick - Dementia and Alzheimer's disease is often confusing. Many people use the words "dementia" and "Alzheimer's disease" interchangeably. However, the second condition is not actually the same. You could be suffering from dementia are in no way associated with Alzheimer's disease. Most people often can't distinguish between dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


Dementia is not a disease, but rather a collection of symptoms that affect mental performance such as memory and reasoning. Dementia can be caused by a variety of conditions, the most common is Alzheimer's disease. Along its development, dementia can be bad on the brain's ability to function independently.

Early symptoms of dementia is often overlooked, which is usually derived from nature are easy to forget. Along the process, sufferers also experience confusion. Other signs of dementia is the question over and over again and the difficulty of taking decisions. At an advanced stage of dementia sufferers, even become incapable of caring for themselves. They are also confused as to time, place, and the people around them. Changing behavior, that ultimately can lead to depression and aggression.

Many conditions can lead to dementia, including Alzheimer's, a degenerative disease such as Parkinson's and Huntington's. According to the Cleveland Clinic, Alzheimer's disease was responsible for 50 to 70 percent of all cases of dementia. Infections such as HIV could trigger dementia, as well as vascular disease and stroke. Depression and chronic drug use is another cause that dicurigi responsible for dementia.

Dementia is composed of a series of symptoms that can be an indication of more than one of the underlying conditions. Often, sufferers were found to have some conditions that can cause dementia.


Alzheimer's is a progressive brain disease destroys memory and cognitive function slowly. The exact cause is unknown and there is no cure. Although young people are also at risk of Alzheimer's, the symptoms usually begins after the age of 60 years. Alzheimer's is a part of dementia, not necessarily everyone will experience it. When someone has experienced Alzheimer's, meaning that he had been suffering from dementia in advance.

The symptoms of Alzheimer's are generally developing slowly. The symptoms may start with the contents of the conversation limited to forget all about the recently discussed or forgot the name of the place, and then evolved into disorientation and behavioral change. If Alzheimer's disease has reached a stage of severe, the patient may experience hallucinations, trouble speaking, as well as the inability to conduct activities that need to be helped by others.

Brain damage begins several years before symptoms appear. The abnormal protein deposits will form plaques in the brain of someone with Alzheimer's disease. At an advanced stage, the brain shows significant shrinkage. The medical team can diagnose Alzheimer's odds for the 100% accuracy when one is still alive. The diagnosis can only be confirmed during the autopsy, when the brain is examined under a microscope. According to The National, International Health experts are able to make the correct diagnosis to 90% since the early symptoms are detected.

Various Kinds of Headaches

03.00 Add Comment
Health Trick - Everyone certainly never experienced such thing as a headache. Headaches are the result of the failure of sensitive structures that are sensitive to pain in the head and neck, the scalp, lower in fat tissues of the head, muscles of the head and neck, blood vessels, eyes, ears, teeth, sinuses, throat, and upper nerves – nerves in the head. Most cases of headaches are not caused by the disease is dangerous and not damaging the brain. Causes of headaches vary greatly, therefore a complete examination is required in order for accurate diagnosis and effective.

The primary headaches

Primary headaches are headaches caused by interference on the structure at the head of which is sensitive to the pain and not a symptom of another disease. 90% of headaches are included in the primary. In some people, the primary headache is a condition that is passed down through generations in his family. Primary headache disorders are not found a real body organs, are also still in the process of research. Kind of headache primary headaches including are:

1. Tense headaches (tension headache)

About 55-60% of cases of primary headache in the tense headaches. Headache is characterized by pain, a sense of discomfort and a sense of strain, like a tied up on both sides of the head, and the illness is not pulsating. The intensity of the headache is mild to moderate, evolving slowly then the longer the more powerful and can last a few hours to a few days.

2. Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches more frequently experienced by men age young adults. The trigger is stress, alcohol and certain foods. Cluster headaches are characterized by headaches next to, around the eye and eyebrow. Sick of this coconut is continuous and the longer the more excellent. This headache disorders can occur for one or two months a year. Symptoms of cluster headache usually cannot be appeased with free drugs, you need to consult a doctor to get a more specific treatment.

3. Migraine headache

People who experience migraines will feel one side or both sides of the head seemed to be pulsating. These headaches can keep recurring and make everyday routines disturbed. .. The incidence of migraine triggers include stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, menstruation and birth control pills. Migraines generally can be addressed with medication that is sold freely. If migraines are severe, you need to see a doctor to get a prescription drug that is stronger and gaining further handling.

Secondary headaches

Secondary headaches are headaches caused by other causes. Therefore, the time of onset of headache adjacent to a known cause. Possible causes of headaches this category generally is a disorder of the eyes (glaucoma), nose (sinusitis), ears, teeth, high blood pressure, head injury, inflammation of the membrane (meningitis) head to tumors of the brain. Consult a doctor immediately if you experience pain in the head, the head pain complaints does not disappear with the usual drunk, remedies and pain occur on the face or around the eyes.

5 Traits of a Good Water Quality

05.49 Add Comment
Health Trick - Good quality water is needed for the necessities of life to man, animals and plants. Therefore, we need to know the traits of good quality water for consumption, especially by men.

Here we discuss about the quality of the water well physically. Good quality water is physically:

A sense of

Water quality is a good clean is not felt. Taste can be caused due to organic substances or bacteria. other usur into bodies of water

The smell of

Water quality is a good clean is odorless, because the smell can be caused by decomposition of organic substances such as bacteria as well as the possibility of indirect consequences of environmental pollution, especially sanitation systems.


In General, water temperature rise will lead to increase in biological activity that will form O2 more. Water temperature rise naturally is usually caused by the logging activities of the vegetation around the water source, thus causing the number of the incoming light from the Sun affect the aquifer that is directly or indirectly.


Water turbidity can be caused by the presence of organic materials and inorganic turbidity can also represent the color. In terms of aesthetics are turbidity of water associated with the possible presence of pollution through wastewater is water color depends on the color of the body of water that enters the wastewater

TDS or total dissolved solids (total dissolved solids)

Is a solid material that is left as residue on evaporation and drying at a temperature of 103 C-105 C in portable water most of the fuel is in the form of dissolved inorganic salts of the gases which are dissolved.

The content of total solids in portable water is usually between 20 long-range up to 1000 mg/l and as a guideline the violence of water will increase the total solids, in addition to all the koloit amount of liquid material not dissolved and suspended materials will increase as the degree of contamination (sutrisno, 1991).

There is always a solid substances in the water and if the amount is too much is not good as drinking water, many solid substances presupposed for drinking water is less than 500 mg/l. Influence that concerns the health aspects of drinking water kualias deviations in terms of total solids is that water will give a bad taste on the tongue and the nausea.

13 Foods That Can Make The Ageless

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Health Trick - Premature aging lately many triggered from the increasing number of the originator of the free radical substances out of our daily intake of nutrients. Good food, drink or even life style (smoking) becomes the major factor precipitating the presence of free radicals which leads to premature aging or even more ferocious, yet that is the emergence of the fatal degenerative conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis or may even cause organ failure condition also.

Because diforsir works Digest intake is not ideal and does not nourish, surefire body becomes older than the age should be. Inevitably not only look at the outside appearance, but also the condition of the organ in which declining vitality.

But don't worry, Prof. Dr. Dr. Tjokroprawiro SpPD,, K-EMD in one occasion conveying some tips the foods that fight free radicals, substances that can prevent premature aging.

Here are the 13 foods that can make the Ageless:
  1. String beans. Never again get rid of green color of your plate, and began consuming beans.
  2. Garlic. The typical sweet seasoning is very useful for health and also can increase the immunity of the body.
  3. Green tea. A popular beverage in the country Sakura has a high antioxidant levels and are best consumed unsweetened of course.
  4. Pepper. In addition to its high antioxidant, containing pepper also contains minerals like iron.
  5. Tomato. With vitamin C and vitamin A are high, the tomato became one of the healthiest food choices.
  6. Nuts. We are encouraged to consume nuts as much as 1 Bowl per day. However, avoid fried beans and baked beans or choose boiled.
  7. Carrot. Although not proven to reduce eye minus, however, consume a high vitamin A found in carrots would help maintain our health.
  8. Papaya. This fruit is a great source of fiber and good nutrition, i.e. vitamin A, vitamin C and folate.
  9. Orange. As a high source of vitamin C, oranges should be part of our daily food intake.
  10. The date palm. The fruit is known as the month of Ramadan, but it is actually also good consumed daily.
  11. Apples. The fruit is high in vitamin A is actually best consumed with her skin.
  12. Broccoli. Green vegetables are also high in anti oxidants are also high levels of kalsiumnya.
  13. Cabbage. These vegetables are high sources of fiber and is also high in beta carotene.

3 Key Ageless

01.00 Add Comment

Health Trick - Youthful is the dream of many people. The skin remains taut and stamina stayed up despite the growing age. The mystery of aging is a mystery that still continue to be investigated by scientists. What causes a berkeriput to be weak, and ultimately dies? It is a question unanswered mystery.

The process of aging as a natural process that is absolutely cannot be changed. Now, however, a glimmer of hope began to appear and reveals the mystery of aging in humans. The underlying process of human aging is believed to be due to the shortening of a string of human DNA genetic strands, called Telomeres. Human cells continually divide or berduplikasi to defend his survival. Well, every cell of the berduplikasi is believed to result in Telomeres become increasingly short. So the older person and the more cell duplication occurs, the Telomere gets shorter. This Telomere shortening will culminate in aging and ultimately death.

Based on a study conducted in Ameriksa States, healthy living patterns apparently can extend Telomeres. As described above that the shortening of Telomeres is associated with aging. Walalupun more research is still needed to confirm the results of the research there have been, however, the results of this research provide the key early how to stay youthful and healthy.

Healthy living patterns are recommended in the study which became a key youthful is as follows:
  1. Try eating protein berumber from plants such as soybeans, nuts. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, wheat meal and try to decrease the fat content in your diet.
  2. Make it a habit to work out the level of moderately for 30 minutes six days per week. Run around the House can be an easy way to health.
  3. Reduce Your stress level by doing activities such as yoga stretching, breathing and meditation exercises for at least 60 minutes per day.

This research concluded that the pattern of healthy living is related to Telomere lengthening. Although further research is needed to confirm the results of this study, but there is no harm in adopting healthy life patterns. Healthy life pattern as described above, has been proven to be beneficial in the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

5 Benefits of Sports for Health

09.51 Add Comment

Health Trick - Exercising a lot has a positive effect on the body. In addition to reducing the number of disease incidents of cancer and diabetes by up to 50%, physical exercise also reduces the numbers of Genesis died at a young age to 30%. In adults is expected to be able to do the exercise for 150 minutes each week. Here are some of the benefits of exercise are important to note:

Weight Control

By exercising on a regular basis then you can control weight and prevent weight gain. You don't have to do heavy exercise to reduce calories; the type of physical activity such as up and down stairs or cleaning the House you can also apply.

Against Various Diseases

Exercise can increase HDL levels or levels as well as reduce both kolestrol triglycerides. Both of these things can help you maintain a healthy heart and improve blood flow in the body.

Keep The Mood

When you're stressed at work or issues of life, trying to do a simple exercise for 30 minutes only. With exercise, the body will secrete hormones in the brain that can make you more at ease.

Increase Energy

Exercising regularly can increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body, as well as help keep the activity of the heart. If the work of the heart and lungs You optimally, then you won't feel tired quickly.

Maintaining Healthy Skin

Exercise can improve blood flow to the body. Increased blood flow to the body is good for the health of the skin cells, because the increased hantaran oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

Signs And Symptoms Of Early Pregnancy

01.00 Add Comment
Are you pregnant? The evidence can be seen on a pregnancy test. But you can guess or expect that you are pregnant, even before you menstruate late, when you experience one or more of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Here are the signs that can be seen in the first weeks after you begin to conceive.

Breasts or putting the pain, swollen.

One of the physical changes experienced during pregnancy is changes in the breast. Your breasts will feel severe pain, illness or when it is held. Or it could be noticeably fuller and heavier. In the first two weeks after gestation begins, your breasts start to grow And change as preparation for producing milk. The main cause of this change is the increased production of the hormone progesterone And esterogen. Changes in your breasts will be seen more clearly in your first time pregnant.

A very exhausted.

Many women who feel exhausted during pregnancy, especially in the early days. This may be a natural way to persuade the mothers-to-be to take more time to sleep, in preparation for the night-the night that she could not sleep in the days to come. But there is also a physical reason for this fatigue.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, your body is working very hard with the and produce the hormones pumping more blood to bring nutrients to the fetus you. To accommodate this increased blood flow, your heart pumps harder and faster. Plus, the hormone progesterone which is a natural depressant of the central nervous system, so the presence of this hormone in great numbers causes you to feel sleepy. In addition, of the possibility of getting pregnant can cause the onset of feelings of worry that can absorb your energy and cause insomnia.

Flecks of blood or abdominal pain.

There are flecks that are experiencing or little bleeding during early pregnancy, about 10 or 14 days after fertilization. Known as the bleeding due to implantation, which occurs when the egg that has been fertilized attaching itself to the wall of the uterus. Bleeding like this usually happen early, a little more And the colour is brighter than the usual blood coming out at the time of the onset of menstruation, and only briefly.

There are also experiencing pain or stomach cramps in early pregnancy the uterus begins to dilate. This is exactly the pain such as pain during menstruation.

Nausea with or without vomiting.

Nausea in the morning is the classic signs in early pregnancy. Most of the nausea is starting to feels about the fourth week of pregnancy until the eighth, but vomiting can be started in the first two weeks after pregnancy.

Although nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is commonly known by the name of morning sickness "vomiting in the morning, but in reality can happen anytime. It seems this happens due to the drastic increase in the levels of esterogen produced by the placenta And the fetus. This hormone causes the bowel discharge run slower, which could lead to the occurrence of this problem. Expectant mothers also known more sensitive to smell, so a variety of odors "such as the smell of food, coffee, perfume or the smell of cigarette smoke" can trigger the onset of nausea.

Don't like or want to eat a particular food.

Turning your nose of a particular food is usually the first signs that you are pregnant. Even the smell of certain foods can cause nausea in early pregnancy. One study says that pregnant women usually do not like the smell of coffee in the early weeks of her pregnancy. Meat, products containing milk and spiced food is sharp objects that are usually at least frowned upon at the time of pregnancy.

One specific food cravings are also common. Like the other pregnancy symptoms too, the desire to eat certain foods it can be caused by hormonal changes. Pregnant women usually experience changes in appetite, especially in the first half, as a result of hormonal changes is still very strong.

Frequent urination.

Many pregnant women who feel that they so often go into rooms smaller than usual. In the first trimester of pregnancy, this is because an enlarged uterus pressing toward your bladder.


When you get pregnant, you might be offended by the phrase you are experiencing mild headaches. During early pregnancy, headaches may be caused by the increased blood circulation caused by the hormonal changes.


Constipation or constipation is one of the early indicators of pregnancy. An increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone causes the digestive process to run slowly, resulting in slower food may enter the digestive tract, which can cause the onset of constipation.

Necessary changes of mood.

You are not the type of woman that sensitive â € "so why can cry seeing ads Hallmark? The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you incredible emotional and maudlin. This change of mood, from joy to sadness, also is common, especially during the first trimester.

Feel dizzy and a drifts.

Feel dizzy and a drifts is common in pregnant women. These sensations are usually the result of changes in the circulation of the blood vessels in your body grow And your blood pressure decrease. In early pregnancy, Vertigo can be caused by low blood sugar.

Basal body temperature increase.

Basal body temperature is the temperature taken orally on when you first wake up in the morning. This temperature will be slightly increased after the period of ovulation and settled on the level until you get your next period. If your basal body temperature is noted often you to determine when you have ovulated, you will see that it is improved over the past two weeks of more means you experience pregnancy. In fact, basal body temperature will remain high for the duration of your pregnancy.

Are you really pregnant?

Unfortunately the early signs and symptoms of the above is not only devoted to signify the presence of pregnancy. There are some that indicate that you are in pain or menstrual period you will start soon. And, conversely, you could just get pregnant without experiencing symptoms such as above.

However, it would be nice when you see one of the signs that are in the list above, immediately do a pregnancy test at home, especially when you do not record your menstrual cycle or if your cycle is always shifted away from one month to the next month. Also don't forget to keep yourself well. Who knows you really are being incorporated in two.

BRCA Genes in Women Increase Risk of Cancer

01.00 Add Comment
In women who have the BRCA genes are exposed to greater risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and most likely suffered the risk of premature menopause.

In a study found a mutation in the genes BRCA dangerous that can make a woman just gave birth to fewer children, even lead to increased infertility.

While women are heavy smokers who have the BRCA genes are most likely to experience menopause earlier than women who don't smoke.

Dr. Mitchell Rosen found that mutations in this gene are associated with early menopause which can lead to infertility issues.

In the study involving 400 women BRCA gene mutation carriers who are mostly white. As a result, it is known that women who have the correct genes BRCA experience menopause at an average age of 50 years.

While in women without the mutations of this gene undergo menopause around the age of 53 years. Women carriers of the gene mutations also smokers who spend more than 20 rods each day experienced an early menopause at the age of 46 years old on average.

Causes and Treatment of Pneumoconiosis

10.00 Add Comment
The black lungs (pneumoconiosis workers, miners, miners disease asthma, anthracosis, anthrasilicosis) is a respiratory disease that occurs due to the inhalation of coal dust in the long term. Pneumokoniosis coal workers occurs in two forms, namely simplek and komplikata (progressive massive fibrosis). Types of simplek are usually mild, while the type komplikata can be fatal.

On simplek black lung, coal-dust gathered around a small breath channel (bronkiolus). The cockpit relaitif inert and does not cause much reaction, coal-dust will spread throughout the lungs and appear as small spots on the chest.

Coal-dust doesn't clog the channels of the breath. But each year, the 1-2% of patients with simplek black lungs, will develop into a more serious form of the disease called progressive massive fibrosis, which is characterized by the formation of scar tissue in the lungs (minimum diameter 1 cm). Although it is no longer going to coal dust exposure, but progressive massive fibrosis will deteriorate. Scar tissue can cause damage to tissue and blood vessels of the lungs.

Caplan syndrome is a rare disorder that can strike the coal miners who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Nodules of scar tissue that is round and big will expand rapidly in the lungs. These nodules may also be formed on the people who are exposed to coal dust, although they were not suffering from black lung.

The cause of

The black lungs is a result of terhirupnya coal powder in a long period of time. Smoking does not cause increased incidence rate of black lung, but can provide additional effects that are harmful to the lungs. The risk of suffering from black lung is related to the length and breadth of exposure to coal dust. Most of the affected workers are over 50 years old. The disease is found in 7 out of 100,000 people.


Black Lung simplek usually do not cause symptoms. But many sufferers who experience chronically coughing and shortness of breath because they also suffered from emphysema (due to smoking) or bronchitis (because of smoking or exposure to other toxic industrial pollutants). Progressive massive fibrosis also causes severe coughing and shortness of breath.


The diagnosis is based on an examination of the results enforced chest and lung function tests.


There is no specific treatment for this disease, but to treat its complications (right heart failure or pulmonary tuberculosis). In case of respiratory disorders, then given a bronchodilator and expectorant. It is recommended to avoid further exposure.


Black Lung can be prevented by avoiding the coal dust in the work environment. Coal miners have to undergo inspection every chest photos 4-5 years so this disease can be found at the early stage. If the disease is found, then the worker must be transferred to the area where coal dust levels low, to avoid the onset of progressive massive fibrosis.

How to Treat Mastalgia (Breast Pain)

08.00 Add Comment
Mastalgia is breast pain. Breast pain is divided into 2 groups, cyclic mastalgia: related to menstruation, and non-cyclic mastalgia: not related to menstruation and can come from the breast or around the breast structure (such as muscles or joints).

The cause of

Some women experience breast pain around the time of ovulation (release of the egg) which continued until the arrival of menstruation. Pain can be felt only in one breast or can also spread to the armpit. Pain in non-cyclic mastalgia usually continue to exist and only at a specific location in the breast. The cause could be either injury or collision on breast artritik, pain in the neck and chest cavity that spread to the breast, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, estrogen therapy before, breast infection, before puberty, drugs and alcoholic with liver damage, certain substances in food or, and breast cancer.


If you've experienced this disease then the sufferer will experience symptoms like breast pain arises when pressed. And the pain can be felt in one or both breasts, if it continues to remain so this could spread the pain or is localized.


The purpose of the diagnosis is to find causes and symptoms through physical examination on the breast as a Mammogram, breast ULTRASOUND and biopsy of the breast tissue.


If the results of the diagnosis has been found then then proceed with action p, where the type of a given drug is diuretic with dosage as recommended by a doctor. In addition to other types of drugs that are given birth control pills, Progesterone, Tamoxifen, danazol, Viteks and bromocriptine. If the disease is still included lightly then dispensing is performed orally, but if the disease is severe then includes the granting of a remedy should be done in a more intensive as through intraverna.

How To Cope With Breast Cysts

05.46 Add Comment
His usual cyst we know growing on ovarian cyst can grow now, also on the part of the breast, why so, want to know his reasons, let us refer to his explanation here.

Breast cysts are not unlike the cysts grow in the uterus. Generally rounded pouch-shaped chewy and tasted like a balloon filled with liquids. As the name implies, a cyst in medical terms is called fibrocystic disease of the breast appears in the breast.

Who are at risk of having the disease is mostly women above the age of 30 years. However, it does not cover the possibility of women under 30 years of age also can experience it.

The lump is benign are usually not going to grow into cancer. However, still need to look out for. First, these cysts do not just appear one on one breast, sometimes also can appear up to 17 and there are lumps on either side of the breast.

Second, breast cysts can occur repeatedly. The treatment does not guarantee 100% able to repel a cyst. So, people who've never experienced, remain at high risk for suffering from breast cysts again. As long as the nature of the cyst is not transformed into a malignant and does not feel intrusive, will not be a problem.

The cause of

Cysts appear as anything to do with breast tissue response to changes in estrogen levels that occurs each month during reproductive. As we know each month during the menstrual cycle, breast tissue to swell.

Hormonal stimulation of breast tissue is causing the breast retain water as well as mammary glands and widened its channels. The liquid is then able to gather and form cysts.

At the time of menstruation, breast self admittedly feels swollen, painful, and has bumps. After menstruation, breast swelling usually decreases, no longer too painful and there are lumps.

Well, because the cause is hormonal, the cyst may be waning, even disappear when a woman entering menopause. However, it is often also the cyst gets larger even though it was menopause.


The diagnosis is based on symptoms and upheld results of physical examinations. Palpable cysts can be slippery, driven, assertive and sometimes painful unbounded when pressed. The usual checks carried out to ensure there is breast cysts are:
  • Mammography *

To reduce pain, fluid from the cyst may be taken using a needle. If the liquid contains blood, Brown or murky, or return collected within 12 weeks after the fluid is taken, then the entire cyst must be removed surgically because of the possibility of violence can occur on the wall of a cyst.

Causes and symptoms of Varicocele

22.24 Add Comment
Varicocele is one of the main health problems in blood vessels around the men's reproductive tool, which is around the testes where sperm produced by a man. The disorder is the dilation of the blood vessels or veins around the scrotal so will inhibit the keseburan man, the lower the quality and the amount of sperm produced. The disease generally varicocele will be detected after a man got married, and in a long period of time have not been blessed with offspring, and she never got pregnant.

Varicocele clinically differentiated in 3 levels:

- Small degrees
A varicocele is dipalpasi after a patient can perform the Valsalva maneuver

- Degrees are
Is a varicocele can dipalpasi without doing the Valsalva maneuver
- The degree of
A varicocele is already visible in shape without doing the Valsalva maneuver. Sometimes it's hard to find the presence of a varicocele is clinically although there are other signs that indicate the presence of varicocele.

The cause of
  • Aka genetic offspring.
  • Often wearing tight pants.
  • Electromagnetic waves, for people working in the GSM tower, related to nuclear reactions, high-voltage hal2.
  • Often riding motor guy, because the position of the testes nempel with tank motor.
  • Excessive stress on the patient.
  • The temperature of the testes too hot.
  • The testes often sweating.
  • Feels there is a collection of testicular veins on the top of the egg or the egg under the bottom line bilakantung testicle such as if holding a set of closely held a worm.
  • Feeling heavy or dragging in the testicular SAC. Testicles smaller decisions and where the blood vessels widen (due to differences in blood flow).
  • Feels dull ache or pain in the testicles with a vulnerable time is uncertain.
  • Dilation of blood vessels in the testicular SAC which can in raba (pronounced veins stand out).
  • Do dispose of air through the mouth but no air comes out of the mouth and nose (such as movement blew the balloon) and then you pass your testicles when there is a collection of veins like worms means you are exposed to diseases of varicocele.
  • Varicocele can lead to fertility therefore if you have one of the symptoms of varicocele on fertility disorders and experience you may be suffering from varicocele.
Tips On Choosing The Right Contact Lenses!

Tips On Choosing The Right Contact Lenses!

03.39 Add Comment
Do you like using contact lenses? Whether you choose it correctly? In fact you cannotcarelessly menggenakan contact lenses, there are a few things you need to consider.What would it be? Note the following information!

There are at least two types of contact lenses based on texture, both types of contact lenses this affects functionality, comfort, and its duration.

Soft contact lenses

This type of contact lenses are commonly used by those who are fond of sports, active or a soft texture make this comfortable contact lenses and not easy to shift, sincecorresponds to the shape of your eyes. Therefore, people often choose it and was quite popular in the United States.

Contact lenses is not for style, but rather help those who have eye disorders, such asthat experienced by people with low vision (myopia), far nearsightedness (hyperopia),old age (presbyopia) eyes, and astigmatism.

Soft contact lenses (soft) it also has some kind of depending on its use, for example:

  • Contact lenses are used for daily usage, it is usually used during the day. After that, the contact lenses will be cleaned and given a disinfectant at night. For the age ofcontact lenses themselves depend on manufacturers who make it and the price is not too expensive.
  • Contact lenses are used for long term duration. These contact lenses can you wearwhile sleeping without having to take it off. However, once a week contact lens needs to be cleaned up. It's just that you need to be careful if using it on the break, becausethere is still a risk of occurrence of infections of the eye.
  • Disposable contact lenses, contact lenses of this type is very expensive. This contactlens does not require treatment and duration vary — there are daily, weekly, or evenmonthly. This type of contact lenses are typically used for those who are sensitive tothe liquid disinfectant and rarely wear contact lenses.

Hard contact lenses

It has the texture of contact lenses are rigid, the air can absorb, and gives a clear view.This type of contact lenses are typically used if you are not satisfied of the resultsgiven by soft contact lenses. Because the air can absorb, these contact lenses can reduce eye infections.

Treatment of hard contact lenses (hard) to do with routine and have such flaws;adjusting the view for one week, it's easy to shift from its position, and sometimescause discomfort in the eye.

If your eye condition is not changed at the time of examination of the eyes on a regular basis, the corresponding contact lenses can be used up to 2 or 3 years.

7 Eating Habits of Parents Who Have an Impact on Children

07.24 Add Comment

Parents have the ultimate control of the environment and the experience gained of the child. One of them in the selection of food, because eating patterns and selection of food parents can become an example for children. Parents especially mothers is one of the main child role model in the formation of their eating patterns, because generally the mother doing more direct interaction with their children in some situations (including when eating).

Behavior and the level of satisfaction of parents to their body can also affect the behavior of eating children. Mothers who have weight issues or eating disorders, generally tend to further limit their child's food intake, which also trigger behavior problems eating and weight of the child. This relationship is related to the child's perception of the pressure experienced by the mother unwittingly them to lose weight.

Here's the 7 habits eating patterns can have an impact on parent child development :

1. Understand the eating habits of children in the family sphere

2. Encourage children to choose healthy food and introduce new foods to children

3. Avoid the forced feeding of the child

4. Be a good example. 

Parents can be role models either positive or negative. In some studies, the children and adolescents who ate at the same time with their parents eat more vegetables and fruits than kids who eat alone

5. Pay attention to the sign if the child is already full. 

The body of the infant and young children can usually set your own caloric intake required and will stop eating when full. Avoid forcing children to spend her food if she was not hungry

6. The natural impulse of parents who tend to prohibit and restrict the child to consume certain foods, it can often trigger a child to eat in excess. 

When the children presented a varied choice of food, they tend to pick foods that are not allowed as compared to their healthy food, especially if the mother not being around them

7. Key to the formation of children's eating patterns are held by parents, among others in:
  • Choose meal time
  • provides a selection of the type of nutrient dense foods such as fruits and vegetables instead of high energy foods and less nutritious foods such as fast food
  • give a share of the food in accordance with the age of the child
  • limit the consumption of snacks and drinks that are high in sugar
  • maintaining appropriate child growth curves of growth, and body mass index in the normal range
  • packed together on a regular basis so that children get the social interaction and a good role model from the people around him
  • limit the use of playing video games, gadgets, and watch television up to 2 hours a day
  • demonstrated and teach children to eat is in place

Stop Drinking Civet Coffee Now! Here's Why

03.10 Add Comment

Coffe luwak is one type of coffee tereksklusif in the world. The price is very expensive and it was known to be very good. However, now there is a reason why you should stop drinking Civet coffee now. 

Coffe luwak was originally taken from the Civet droppings (Paraxorus hermaphroditus) wild life in the jungle. Mongoose is a shy animal lives in a solitary forest and active at night. These animals usually live close to the coffee plantations of man, because that's when the harvest season they could eat coffee beans freely at night. 

Plantation workers would then take the coffee bean located in Civet droppings. The Civet digestive enzymes to process coffee beans is uniquely so that Civet coffee has a distinctive flavor. The scarcity and high levels of difficulty to collect seeds of Coffe  luwak coffee prices make this become very high. Unfortunately, it's been almost impossible to find the original Civet coffee. Civet coffee's on the market today comes from wild civet are captured and put in a cage. This condition makes the Mongoose suffering. 

Mongoose life must now be in cages. It is not suitable for the actual Civet is solitary animals. They were also forced to eat coffee beans as much as possible. The sad state of this often makes a dead Mongoose in the cage. This is the reason why you should stop drinking Civet coffee now. For a cup of coffee in Your mug, thousands of Civet must live suffered in cramped cages.

Peridontal Disease And Related Erectile Dysfunction

22.00 Add Comment

Brushing your teeth regularly and maintaining healthy gums, it can not only enhance the aesthetic functions, but often served as an indicator of the health of the body as a whole. Especially in men, oral health problems such as bad breath is foul accompaniedbleeding gums is a condition that can increase the risk of a man affected by erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction itself is a health problem that affects the quality of life. Physical factors, especially problems in blood vessels is cause 2/3 case, other casesare often caused by psychological problems, such as emotional stress and depression.

A study suggests that men who rarely brushing my teeth are more likely to experienceerection problems. Research carried out in Taiwan say, men with erectile dysfunctionproblems tend to be diagnosed 79 percent suffered chronic periodontal disease than men without erectile dysfunction.
Research in Turkey also shows, men's 30 's who have severe periodontal disease is more than three times, more likely suffer from erection problems than men withhealthy gums.

The results showed, as many as 53 percent of men with erectile dysfunction, a problem when getting or maintaining an erection, have gingivitis. This compared with23 percent of those without signs of gum disease.

Periodontal disease is a chronic infection of the gums and supporting tissues of the gums so that formed a sort of pouch pus in the gums. Chronic inflammation candamage the endothelial cells which form a layer around the blood vessels, includingthe blood vessels in the penis. Because the blood vessels to the penis about 25percent of coronary vessels, leading to erectile dysfunction is often the early warningof any disorder of the heart and blood vessel problems.

Bad breath is foul and bleeding gums are symptoms of periodontal disease. Menoften have, including inflammatory periodontitis would normally be a certain enzyme deficiency called eNOS. The enzyme producing nitric oxide compound is badly neededin the process of erection, because its function is to dilate the blood vessels.

The potential relationship between dental problems and sexual performance are located on the health of blood vessels. Erection occurs when the brain perceivessexual stimulation, causing the muscles in the penis to relax and improve blood flow to the organ network. Venous vessels then closes to keep the blood flowing out of the area.

As preventive measures, experts advise to do the more routine teeth cleaning. In addition to regular toothbrush every day, you need to perform cleanup jugar Tartarevery three months once clean Tartar, not more six months. Anyone who has eversuffered from periodontal disease tend to be natural recurrence. Regular exercise,avoid alcohol and cigarettes also needs to be done to lower the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Characteristics Of Autistic Children

20.11 Add Comment

Cases of autism are currently more and more found in Indonesia. Currently the diseaseautism can already be detected from an early age. Nevertheless, knowledge of layabout autism and how to manage them is still not widely known to the public.

Autism is a disorder characterized by weakening the ability to socialize, behave and speak. Autism is often referred to as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). to find out ifyour child has autism, it is important to know the symptoms, ranging from actions ofcurative (healing) to preventive measures (prevention), and the food is good and whatis not good is consumed by people with autism.

The causes of autism itself is still not known for sure. Until recently, most researchers believe that autism is caused by genetic factors. However, recent research suggests that environmental factors are also a cause of autism. The environment in this contextis anything that exists outside the body, is not limited to pollution or toxins in the atmosphere. One of the environmental factors that might cause such prenatal factors in autism is less nutrients or consumption of certain drugs during pregnancy.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, autism is a developmentaldisorder in children happens at around 3.4% of 1000 children aged between 3 to 10 years. Autism affects the function of the motor, intellectual and social, as well as the inability to use the sensorial senses in an effective manner the effect on overallbehavior. Autism is generally diagnosed after doctors observe the behaviour anddevelopment of children. However, there are some indicators that suggest autism in children, including:

Impaired social ability

Autism is closely related to the ability of social disorder in which the sufferer to interact differently with people in General. The symptoms are mild, the traits of autismthat appears is the child looks awkward when dealing with others, removingcomments that are offensive to others, and seems alienated while gathered withothers.

Autistic persons with autistic symptoms are severe levels usually do not likeinteracting with others and tend to avoid eye contact. Most older persons with autismdo not like if they are touched or embraced. However, not all showing the same symptoms. Some children with autism often and love to hug them close to it.

Disorders of speech

Characteristics of autism can be detected by knowing the ability of speech in children.Developmental speech pattern is lacking as well as the minimal use of language skillsmakes children less able to make autism social interaction.

About 40% of children with autism cannot speak or can only say a few words only.Approximately 25-30% can say a few words at the age of 12-18 months, but later lost the ability to speak. Children with disabilities autism intonation when speaking usuallytend to be flat and formal in nature. They also tend to repeat certain words or phrases, or known as echolalia.

Difficulty empathizing

It is very difficult for young people with autism to understand other people's feelings, so they rarely empathized with respect to others. They also tend to be difficult to recognise and understand body language or speech intonation. When talking with others, communication tends to be one direction because they are a lot more talking about himself. The good news, the ability to empathize it can be trained and upgraded if they routinely are reminded to learn to consider the feelings of others.

Repetitive behavior patterns

Autistic children tend to do repetitive or routine that love to do repetitive body movements such as certain objects, walk around, snapping fingers, resistance tochange is a routine thing, high sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as sound, touch, taste, or light. Any changes to the daily routine will be very troubling to them. Thisrepetitive action may vary and is known as stimulating activities and usually become an obsession for autism sufferers.

Unbalanced development

Development on autistic children tend to be unequal: developments in one area it happens quickly and yet hampered in other fields. For example, the development ofcognitive capabilities occurs rapidly but the ability to talk is still obstructed or the development of the ability to talk to occur rapidly but the motor ability is stillhampered.

Limp Often? Beware Symptoms of Anemia

07.56 Add Comment

Less blood or in the medical world called anemia is a condition caused due to the declining number of red blood cells. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin composition, serves to deliver oxygen to cells throughout the human body.

A shortage of red blood cells will affect the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body, which can cause symptoms and signs as follows:
  • Listless and limp
  • Tired
  • Palpitations without apparent cause, or at the time of exercise
  • Panting breath, especially during exercise
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Pale
  • Numbness or coldness in the hands and feet
  • Wakeful

If signs and symptoms has been experienced in a long time, it is necessary to do blood tests to determine levels of hemoglobin in the blood. If the hemoglobin level is low then a diagnosis of anemia can be enforced. Anemia itself can be caused by many things such as:
  • Iron deficiency,
  • Lack of vitamin B-12,
  • Chronic disease,
  • Pregnancy and
  • Losing too much blood, such as during menstruation.

To find out the cause required further examination. Handling anemia itself varies from supplements to the relevant medical procedures will be tailored to the cause. Anemia caused by a lack of certain nutrients can be prevented by the intake of food is good and varied.