How to Reduce the Risk of Contact Lenses

06.38 Add Comment

Contact lenses are now not only used as a substitute for glasses visual aids, but also as a supporting appearance of women. In addition to the clear contact lenses, some colored contact lenses and colored contact lenses enthusiasts now increasingly high thanks to the beauty circle lens or a lens that is specifically designed to support the cosmetic.

Handling the lack of proper contact lens can carry the bacteria microbes and bacteria into the eye. Bacteria and germs can enter the contact lenses that you use through unwashed hands while wearing contact lenses. Germs can move easily from hand to contact lenses or maybe contact lenses when you wash under the tap water directly. It can also contaminate the lens and the lens prolonged use could be an ideal medium for the growth of bacteria or microbes. This can lead to impaired vision fatal to the problem of blindness, and in rare cases can cause death.

How to reduce the risk of danger?

When buying colored contact lenses, make sure the product has a high oxygen transmission power. Contact lenses are high water content usually is able to bind more oxygen. It is also recommended not to buy contact lenses online because you can not check itself the conditions of contact lenses you want to buy. Buy a contact lens in the optical optics licensed establishment.

Here are some tips if you want to use contact lenses:

  • Consult beforehand about the use of contact lenses to the eye doctor.
  • Select a contact lens as needed. If contact lenses are used with the aim of lifestyle, choose disposable contact lenses (disposable).
  • Have the instructions for contact lens fitting is good and true to the eye doctor or eye health workers in optics.
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching and installing contact lenses.
  • Rinse contact lenses with cleaning liquid disinfectant prior to insertion into the eye and when removed from the eye.
  • Washing a contact lens every day and replace a contact lens on a regular basis.
  • Do not store the contact lenses in a sterile fluid such as tap water.
  • Do not use contact lenses while sleeping. Eyes closed will be deprived of oxygen and affect the swelling of the blood vessels of the eye.
  • Do not use contact lenses while swimming. The content of chlorine in the water could contaminate the eye.
  • Avoid exposure to dust and dirt that can enter the eye area, because it can lead to irritation.
  • Avoid the use of contact lenses for more than 12 consecutive hours. Eyes also need to rest and take oxygen unhindered contact lenses.
  • Perform regular eye examinations (at least once a year).

10 Ways to Overcome Difficult Child Eating

00.28 Add Comment

Are you experiencing problems when feeding Little? Do not worry, because you are not alone. Difficulty eating in children is a problem that is often encountered. However, it can not go unpunished, because Little is still in need of a complete nutrition that optimal growth.
Some ways that you can apply to deal with difficult children eat, among others:

1. Make a regular eating schedule

Give the main eating 3 meals a day and snacks 2-3 times a day. Provide snacks between meals approximately 2-3 hours later. The first snack in between breakfast and lunch, the second in between lunch and dinner, then a third before bedtime. Eating schedule setting helps you make sure that the Small Si eat when he is hungry and reduce snacking habits. It is also good for digestive health.

2. Note the condition of the child

Make sure that Little was hungry, not too tired, or sleepy before eating. Avoid giving small meals 2 hours before mealtime so he was not too full when it was time for a great meal

3. Reduce distraction when dining

If his brother goofing around a dining table or a TV was showing a cartoon show, the Little attention to food can be reduced. Make dining atmosphere relaxed and calm, so that the child can focus on completing its food

4. Start teach manners when eating

In some children, he would eat a meal while playing, watching TV, even necessary chased prior to want to eat. When in fact, since the child is able to eat solid food, make it a habit Little to sit in his place (be it in a special child seat or a regular seat at the dining table). This good habit to instill discipline and can prevent the risk of choking to vomit

5. If the kids playing around with cutlery, leave alone and do not overreact

When Little becomes the center of attention because of this behavior, the behavior will be intensified. However, when he realized that his behavior does not get attention, the child will tend to stop playing around

6. Do not restrict or scold your child if he wanted a certain type of food

It can worsen the situation and make it increasingly want these foods. If the food is not good for his health, do not store food in the home. Keep in mind, fast food is generally high in calories, sugar, and fat; but do not contain the nutrients needed by the child. Examples of these foods are candy, fast food, soda, chocolate, crackers, and so on.

When Little frequently asked fast food, you can provide an alternative form of healthy foods he easily reach. When the child is hungry, he will be more willing to eat these foods. Little also enjoys the food in an attractive form. For example, provide easy to chew pieces of fruit (such as melon, watermelon, berries, etc) with yoghurt or vegetable pieces. You also can make fruit smoothies blended ice cream, milk, or yogurt.

7. Provide appropriate food portions

Serving sizes for children aged 1-3 years generally is 1/4 servings for adults. For meat, sajinya size is the size of the palm of his hand. And for vegetables, its size is 1-2 tablespoons

8. Try new foods one at a time in small quantities

If you try to give new food for Little, do it gradually. When the meal arrives, avoid giving an entirely new menu, because the child will feel strange with the food and then refuse to eat. The solution, always include at least 1 new favorite food along the food.

Then, prepare new foods such as pieces of mango, melon, apples, and others to be consumed during the hours of hunger, so that children are more willing to accept new foods.

9. Consider the child's reaction when eating

Gag reflex or gag reflex is a normal reflex the body to prevent choking. The reflex can appear on several conditions: if Little eating too fast, if the mouth there is too much food, if children do not like the texture or taste of the food intake, or if there are foreign objects that are not supposed to be in the mouth.

To avoid it, position it so that the child is quiet while eating, do not run when eating, give the portion of food to taste, and note the size of the food intake. Cut food into small size that is easy to chew.

10. Be flexible

Just like adults, Little also can be bored in a certain type of food. However, children may not be able to show his refusal verbally, so he tends to be quiet, go away, or take other actions that could make you angry. Another thing that makes the child refuses food is if he is sick or growing teeth. His favorite food will be rejected if he was feeling ill.

Browse advance whether the causes Little difficult to eat. Basically, Little will imitate the behavior and diet of the people closest. If parents often consume high-sugar snacks or fast food, then the child will want the same thing. In addition, offer praise when the child managed to eat well and correctly.

Here Foods Preventing Anemia

21.44 Add Comment

MANY people at risk for anemia caused by poor nutritional intake, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic diseases, infections, and various other conditions. Women who are pregnant and menstruating are also at risk of anemia. Anemia not only can reduce work productivity of 5-10%, but also endurance, so susceptible to disease.

Anemia caused by heredity or certain genetic disorders are difficult to prevent. Although many types of anemia can not be prevented, eating nutritious foods can help prevent anemia due to iron deficiency and other vitamins.

Supplements containing iron, folic acid and other B vitamins can also help prevent anemia. However, the use of supplements should be in accordance with the doctor's instructions, especially for the elderly.

Here are some types of food ingredients that can prevent and overcome anemia:


Iron is plentiful in red meats such as beef, beans, egg yolk, chicken liver, dark green vegetables (spinach, kale, cassava), and dried fruits such as prunes and raisins.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is essential for consumption, in addition to work to form healthy red blood cells, folic acid can also help regenerate nerve cells are damaged and it is important for pregnant women because it reduces the risk of infant central nervous system defects. Folic acid can be found in green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, beans, grains, cereals, fruits (bananas, oranges, papaya, avocado), and chicken or beef liver.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found in meat and dairy products. Besides vitamin B12 are also often added to cereals and soy products such as soy milk.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also important taken to help the absorption of iron. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, strawberries, papaya, grapes, melon, avocado, kiwi and tomato. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and carrots also contain vitamin C.

It should be noted to avoid the consumption of iron or other substances blood booster in conjunction with caffeine, such as tea or coffee, because it can reduce absorption.

If someone has a family history of anemia associated genetic such as thalassemia or sickle cell anemia, you may consult with a physician to determine the genetic risks that can be lowered to your child later.

Sport types Recommended for Kids

22.59 Add Comment

Adequate and regular exercise not only necessary for adults, but also children. Lack of physical activity can make children susceptible to obesity that lead to various diseases.

"It has been proven that sports activities are carried out while still children can reduce the risk of diseases such as obesity, heart disease, or diabetes in the future," said dr. Sophia Hage, resident physician in the sports specialist workshop 'Activity Patterns and Balanced Nutrition to Grow Optimal Child Development 'on Thursday (23.04.15).

Other benefits of exercise in children include strengthening the capacity of the heart, lungs, and muscles, so be healthy, your child grow tall and fit, even improve intelligence.

Sophia recommends children aged 5 to 12 years to do physical activity every day with the total amount of time of at least 60 minutes in order to obtain maximum health benefits.

Types of sports activities undertaken should vary.

Aerobic exercises include jogging, swimming, and gymnastics. For strength training, children can be invited to play a bar, tug of war, hula hoop, sit ups or push ups.

Then sports games such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, and badminton are also recommended.

If you want to exercise that aims to optimize bone density and strength of children are advised to do exercises that lifting the body itself, such as jumping rope or running.

How to Choose Healthy Snacks For Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

00.00 Add Comment

IN the midst of a snack food product choices, a mother should carefully choose healthy snacks for children, and also for himself - including the mother during pregnancy and lactation. To be free from worry, what snack food product can be a healthy choice of the mother?

In addition to the main meal, snack foods is also important to consider the health of the mother to the whole family. Many snacks that are high in fat, sugar, and salt so unhealthy consumption.

Choosing the type of snack foods such as these can contribute excess calories but low in nutritional value. If it continues, nutrition can not be fulfilled. For pregnant women, it can cause the baby take the nutrients it needs from the mother's body, to the detriment of the health of the mother. And for children, nutritional deficiencies can interfere with growth and development.

Not only for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding should also pay attention to the food consumed. Nutrient intake during breastfeeding is important to note because the process requires a lot energi3 breastfeeding and can affect the composition of some nutrients in ASI4.

So how to choose healthy snacks for pregnant women?

There are plenty of healthy options that can be consumed by pregnant and lactating women as a snack or heavy foods, such as:

  • fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals,
  • whole grains are rich in fiber,
  • meat (choose low-fat part) and nuts are rich in protein and iron,
  • as well as low-fat milk and other dairy products.
And finally, limit foods high in saturated fat, sugar, and salt because these foods are generally high in calories but low in nutritional content.

Natural Ways to Treat Sore Throat and Nose Stuffy In Children

07.38 Add Comment

IN children, throat and nasal congestion is usually caused by allergies. There are a few things you can try to help relieve the discomfort in your child. Here's the explanation:

1. Water and other liquids

One simple solution to solve incompressible throat is consuming enough water, especially warm water. Warm water can help loosen mucus in the airways of children. When children get bored with plain water, try warm juice, broth, or tea without caffeine, such as chamomile or peppermint. Chicken soup can also relieve the discomfort, because it is anti-inflammatory and can thin the mucus out.

2. The salt water and saline spray

Salt water and saline spray can help remove mucus and relieve some of the pain associated with throat clogged you can buy saline spray at a nearby pharmacy. But you can also create their own saline solution by mixing half a teaspoon of salt with water. Note: salt water is not for drinking but is only used for gargling.

3. Steam

Another way to help reduce clogged throat is by inhalation of vapor or moisture. If you have a vaporizer (not electronic cigarette vaporizer), take the kids to a room and ask him to breathe for 10 to 15 minutes for two or three times per day. If you do not have a vaporizer, you can prepare a medium size tub filled water vapor. Use a towel to cover the child's head when he put his face over the steam.

4. Drugs

As an alternative home remedies, you can buy a decongestant drugs are available at a nearby pharmacy. But should not be given to children for more than three days, because the child's body can depend, throat conditions could deteriorate even after they stop taking the drug. Most antihistamines are also safe for children and can help reduce the amount of mucus production. However, it could still monitor the situation of children as antihistamines can cause drowsiness and headache.

Early Detection Lazy Eye In Children

12.01 Add Comment
ONE eye disorder that affects children are lazy eye. The term 'lazy eye' may sound a bit strange our ears, but this is a term for disorders of the eye (amblyopia) caused by abnormal development of the eye in childhood. Lazy eye or amblyopia indicate a reduction in visual acuity caused by abnormal visual development during infancy and early childhood. Premature babies, infants with mild body weight, and families who suffer from cataracts more at risk of this eye disorder. This lazy eye occurs in about 2-4% of preschoolers and supreme cause a decrease in visual acuity in children that are irreversible.

What is the cause of lazy eye?

Amblyopia occurs when part of the nerve that connects the eye to the brain does not respond to stimulation with either. At the age of 4 years, the normal development of the brain that processes vision is almost complete. Human visual acuity began to grow since the age of the baby and be perfect at the age of 5 years. The development of visual acuity is influenced by visual stimuli that enter the eye. If eyes get enough visual stimuli, the eye can develop properly. If one or both eyes get less stimulation, the development of visual acuity of the eye is inhibited.

When the brain does not receive a clear image of one or both eyes, it will be difficult to improve the ability to see after brain development is completed. This resulted in only sends a signal to the brain of healthy eyes, causing visual impairment in the other eye and makes eyes look glazed (sad). The eye which then will have amblyopia or lazy eye.

There are 3 things that were suspected as the main cause of amblyopia, namely:

- Squint (Strabismic), where there is an imbalance of muscle nerve of the eye so that the eye can not coordinate well.

- Deprivation (Deprivation), in which the eye disorder in the form of a barrier layer of the eye that forms a cloud (cataracts).

- Refractive (refractive), in which the light refraction occurs inappropriately, such as cylinders, myopia, or nearsightedness.

Lazy eye disorders usually do not cause symptoms, so that children often do not complain about anything. Most cases of amblyopia only be known after an eye exam before or after entering school. The symptoms are the eyes do not follow the direction of movement of objects correctly. This condition is difficult to know if it is only seen in passing, as a lazy eye will look like a normal eye. Lazy eye disorder usually affects only one eye, but if both eyes clear vision deficiency during a certain time when the children, then this condition can affect both eyes. Lazy eye visible physical characteristics of the eye looks somewhat decreased.

In childhood, amblyopia can be overcome by using a patching or cover for healthy eyes. Close your eyes healthy is intended to train the lazy eye to work better and improve vision. If left untreated, amblyopia can lead to permanent blindness condition. Because of these eye disorders often experienced by children, father and mother's good health checking your child's eyes at the age of 3 to 5 years after birth.

Amblyopia can quickly be prevented or treated if detected at an early age in order to prevent more serious damage to eyes. Treatment given to lazy eye has two goals: to create a clear vision in both eyes as well as to strengthen the weak eye.

Prevent Heart Disease And Stroke With Mediterranean Diet

01.33 Add Comment
Mediterranean diet again received great attention because of their impact on heart disease and stroke. Consumption of nuts and olive oil in the Mediterranean diet is very effective at keeping the heart healthy.

A study involving more than 7000 people are susceptible to heart disease and stroke gives good results. Proven Mediterranean diet is more effective in lowering the risk of their disease compared with the low-carb diet.

The study, published online in The New England Journal of Medicine, involved a group of women and men aged 55 to 80 years. They were randomly assigned to undergo low-carb diet or one of two variations of the Mediterranean diet: One group ate a diet rich in extra-virgin olive oil (more than 60 ml per day) and other eating nuts (more than 29 ml of walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts per day).

Mediterranean diet recommends eating more fresh vegetables, olive oil, fish, grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of dairy products and processed foods.

The study, funded by the Spanish government is to make sure each group of participants to get regular exercise sessions. The researchers also examined the amount of consumption of olive oil and nuts with laboratory tests. One thing that is not limited by the researchers is the target number of calories or exercise session.

The study was stopped early after the participants monitored the pattern of food for 4.8 years. Because the benefits of the Mediterranean diet has been evident. Overall, people who consume a diet rich in olive oil and nuts have a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

Mediterranean diet to lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing protection against the good cholesterol. It also helps the body's ability to process sugar into the body.

Most of the previous participants consume a lot of drugs for cholesterol and high blood pressure. The researchers did not change the treatment, but as a first step to prevent heart problems, a healthy diet is better than drugs. Because it has fewer side effects, said study leader Dr. Ramon Estruch of the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, ​​Spain on Fox News (02/26/2013).

Is it safe to MSG for Consumed ?

06.43 Add Comment

Monosodium glutamate or MSG has been known as one of the main ingredients in a food flavoring. The bad reputation has been widely debated in various circles. Although MSG became famous in the 1960s, but it actually has a long history.

Starting from Kikunae Ikeda, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who are interested in the unique taste of kelp (konbu). He suspects that there is an unknown component in the food. Then in 1907, he embarked on a project to try to identify the components of the dried konbu.

Within a year, he found the key to the delights of the glutamic acid content. The findings complement previous four types of taste-sour, sweet, salty, and bitter-and named umami (from the root word in Japanese umai which means delicious).

Since that discovery, the Japanese produce glutamic acid by extraction from natural materials. But because the market demand continues to soar, 1956 began discovered how the production of L-glutamic acid by fermentation. L-glutamic acid this is the core of MSG, which is shaped like a white grain of salt. MSG itself actually does not have a taste. However, when added to the diet, will form a free glutamic acid captured by specific receptors in the brain and presented the basic tastes in food are becoming much more savory.

Since 1963, Japan joined Korea pioneered mass production of MSG, which later developed throughout the world, including Indonesia. Until now, the use of MSG in food is still being debated. Many say that the consumption of MSG can lead to cancer ignorance.

Actually, glutamic acid naturally found in plant and animal tissues such as: tomatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, peas, cheese, meat, fish, even in breast milk 20 times greater than cow's milk. To note, glutamate not only into the body with the food supply, but also synthesized by the body in which the body makes its own glutamate for a variety of purposes that the essential functions.

In 1959, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States classifies MSG as "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS), just as salt, vinegar, and baking. But in 1968, there were reports in the New England Journal of Medicine about the complaint several disorders after eating at a Chinese restaurant so-called "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome". MSG is suspected as the main cause, but until now have not been reported scientific evidence.

Report of the American Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology (FEDSA) in 1995 also mention, in general MSG is safe if consumed in reasonable limits. In addition, they stated that there was no evidence if MSG cause serious medical problems and long-term. As for diseases such as Alzheimer's neurological disorders and Hungtinton, not obtained relationship with MSG consumption.

Relieves Cough with Aromatherapy Oils

02.51 Add Comment

Aromatherapy oils are widely used for tranquility or meditation. However, did you know that aromatherapy oils are also useful to treat a cough?

Cough usually occurs when the lungs, bronchial tubes, larynx or throat inflamed. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant owned and aromatherapy oils can stimulate the lungs to expel mucus and fight infections. This is what makes an effective aromatherapy oils to relieve cough.

Mechanism of action of aromatherapy ingredient is through the circulation of the body and the olfactory system. Organ of smell is the only sense of smell with various nerve receptors that relate directly to the outside world and channeled directly into the brain.

Therefore, the best way to use aromatherapy oils is with the help of steam because it can be easier for you to breathe in all of its contents.

Here are 5 types of aromatherapy oils that can relieve your cough:


Lavender can soothe stiff muscles while improving your mood


Sandalwood has antibacterial properties that will help eliminate the infection


The essential oil is good for decongestants, clean the lungs and respiratory tract

Black pepper

Black pepper can open the airways so that breathing becomes relieved


Fir help reduce the accumulation of mucus in the lungs

In Medical, Really Love Can Extend Age

21.15 Add Comment

With age, the body's natural functions will decline and prime again. But that does not mean it will interfere with the quality of one's life, especially related to sexual life.

Modern medical science now has many ways to help a person maintain body functions. Dr. Nugroho Setiawan, MS, SpAnd, from Mayapada Hospital gives instance in elderly patients is available hormone therapy to maintain sexual function.

"The quality of sexual intercourse that determines the quality of life. There is a study that will be published in the congress of sexology in Singapore said that men and women have sex at least 3-5 times a week, her age will be long," said Dr. Nugroho in seminars Kamasutra for the Golden Age The Mayapada Hospital, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, as written on Sunday (04/12/2015).

Therefore the benefits of lovemaking routine for good health, parents said Dr. Nugroho should not be distressed especially regarding sex. Reproductive function is not an issue anymore in the age of the evening so that sexual activity is also not to be alarmed thinking about children.

"Sex is so goal raises an incredible pleasure called an orgasm. It was right there like a mountain peak, we must be improved so there are challenges. People that fuck so-so, yes bored," advises Dr. Nugroho order relationships in old age back alive .

Sex position is said by Dr. Nugroho no special provision for their old age. The most important factor is communication so that the couple could understand what they want from each other.

Short Stature People More Heart Disease Risk

20.04 Add Comment
WHEN compared with whites or commonly known as the Western, Indonesian people, including short. Not many people in Indonesia who has a height of more than 180 cm, especially women. And it turns out there is bad news associated with height and the health of your heart.

As quoted from, a study followed by nearly 200,000 men and women found that shorter people have a higher risk of heart disease than those who have a high body. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, each 2.5 inch increase in height person, can reduce the risk of heart disease by 13.5 percent. So, the higher the body, the smaller the risk.

Scientists have long considered that there is a relationship between heart health and a person's height, and a recent study found that genes that control the body height is directly related to the risk of heart disease.

But that does not mean higher a person's body becomes the main factor causing heart disease. There are still many other factors that can affect the level of risk of heart disease, the main one of which is smoking. Smoking can increase the potential of up to 200-300% of heart disease.

So, if you already have a short body and smoke, imagine how many times your risk of heart disease? Let's keep a healthy life and reduce the risk of deadly disease.

Watchful Mother, Candy Acid Tongue Can Make Children Perforated

08.23 Add Comment
A mother in Australia, was surprised to see a hole in her tongue caused by acid candy. As reported from, Lachlan Canak, (7), from Sydney, Australia was originally thought he could eat sweets before going to school without anyone knowing.

However, after a few minutes, he complained to his mother, Hayley, if tongue pain. Hayley then very surprised to see his tongue has been wound and hollow.

Candy that burns the tongue Lachlan is warheads Juniors Extreme Sour. This candy contains malic acid, and marketed as extreme candy by the company Impact Confections. In this candy packaging, mention may be for consumption of children aged 4 years and older.

In addition to the packaging box also contained a warning label that states, if you eat a few pieces in a short time can cause irritation of the tongue and mouth.

Malic acid is a hydroxy acid (containing oxygen) which is a syrupy substance or crystal and has a strong sour taste but fun. This substance is found in many fruits like green apples, raisins, and other acidic fruit.

Lachlan could only eat as usual, after a week of his tongue and feels like a burning pain.

Therefore mother, beware of food, drinks or sweets are consumed by your child, consider the composition, is there any hazardous materials or not, so that such incidents do not overwrite your baby.

5 Stroke Symptoms to Watch

03.17 Add Comment

Stress accumulates can arrange previously healthy body becomes exposed to degenerative diseases. Cholesterol due to stress and hypertension caused by stress are the two key originator of stroke.
Stroke can happen anytime, and anywhere. 

Stroke is a neurological disorder due to blockage of a blood vessel (ischemic stroke) or the rupture of blood vessels in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). The brain is the organ which controls the function of various other organs. So when an interruption in the brain, will have an impact on the functioning of other organs.

Disorders resulting from stroke can be limited by the rapid detection and appropriate treatment. Let us recognize the early symptoms of various disorders of stroke:

1. The weakness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body.

One of the functions of the brain is set up muscle strength. Certain parts of the brain regulate different body parts. If a certain part of the brain is interrupted it will cause interference on the part of the body is regulated by the brain. One of the common symptoms experienced by patients with stroke is the weakness of the body. Stroke patients will complain of speech becomes slurred speech, or eyes can not open.

2. Loss of vision, coordination body, sudden sensation.

Another complaint that can be complained of by patients with stroke is loss of sensory abilities. Sensory capabilities can be a nuisance notice, and disruption understand the conversation.

3. Headache suddenly

If a stroke suffered bleeding, there will be increased pressure in the brain. Because of the breadth of the skull cavity must still receive additional volume in the form of blood, which in turn causes an increase in pressure inside the skull. This pressure increase will cause headaches sudden great.

4. Nausea and vomiting

Increased pressure in the head will also cause nausea terangsangnya receptors. This will lead to stroke patients complain of severe nausea and vomiting.

5. Loss of consciousness

The brain is the center of consciousness. If interference occurs oxygen delivery to the brain, consciousness stroke patients will decline. The patient will tend to fall asleep, the weak and the situation more severe, the patient will be in a coma.

Similarly, five stroke symptoms that you should be aware. This symptom is not a sure sign of stroke diagnosis because many other diseases also have similar symptoms. Therefore, it is better this phenomenon further confirmed by performing a physical examination to the doctor.

5 Ways To Children No Fear Needles

20.15 Add Comment

Child's first experience with a syringe typically produce trauma. They become afraid of needles, so they will cry and refuse when you take her to the doctor and injected for the umpteenth time.

Indeed, you can completely eliminate the fear of children, but you can still try to reduce and overcome. Here are 5 ways you can do:

Explain the importance of Injections

Talk with children about the importance of vaccination. Also, give it the understanding that follow the treatment by injection is certainly not intended to hurt or scare. Tell me if the pain will be felt for a few seconds can make a strong and healthy child, and explain about the things he could not get as sick (eg, away from his classmates).

Being a Role Model

If possible, take the kids when you want to get the vaccine and let the child see you injected. Show me calm face without fear, even if you are feeling nervous. Just do not lie to the child if the injection does not cause pain. Say that the injection is going to make sick for a few seconds, but it needs to be done so that children stay healthy.

Topical Anesthetic Cream Request

If a child really feel frightened by the pain, you can ask your doctor to provide topical anesthesia or cream that can make numb. This cream is applied one hour before the child was injected and able to absorb into the skin, thereby reducing pain.

Kick Cough-cough

Switch the child focus on objects in the room. Find a poster or painting that you're interested in a wall, for example, there are pictures of scenery then you can invite children to count the number of trees or animals in the picture. Recommended method also coughing, where children can be asked to cough before and during an injection. Coughing during an injection can provide distraction and stimulate an increase in blood pressure which inhibits the perception of pain.

Praise and Encouragement

After the injection, give the child a compliment that he was the son of the brave. Perhaps you could also give your child's favorite food as a 'gift', or take her out to places he has never visited.

What must be Considered Before Choosing a Multivitamin for Children?

05.00 Add Comment

What must be considered before choosing a multivitamin for children? Please note that different from the drugs that should be clinically tested effectiveness through a series of procedures, supplements do not require such clinical trials.

Therefore, before giving supplements to children, there are some things to look at. Make sure you know the supplements needed by the child, and preferably which is specifically formulated for children and easy to consume. 

Here are 6 ways to choose a multivitamin supplement that is safe and appropriate:

  • Find a product that officially sealed. The products are approved by the government, such as the Department of Health or the National Agency of Drug and Food (BPOM), it is usually safe and meet quality standards. Be careful with counterfeit goods.
  • Do not care much about other additions. No need to pay more for allergen-free multivitamin supplement clear if the child is not allergic to the content. Different again if a child has a specific allergy.
  • Always check the expiration date purchased multivitamin supplement. Try to buy a multivitamin supplement that is still far from the expiration date, because if overdue results obtained will not be maximized.
  • Look carefully at the side effects listed in the label and always tell your doctor or pharmacist about multivitamin supplements consumed by children.
  • As in medicine storage, a multivitamin supplement should also be stored in a safe, cool, and dry. Try not to mix with chemicals or other drugs and away from the reach of children. Sometimes children multivitamin supplement form as peremen so they want to constantly eat, even though it is not good for health.
  • If the child is suffering from certain diseases that require special handling, so it's good to consult a doctor. Case in point, if the child is undergoing a blood thinning medication, it is not recommended to consume vitamin E.

Warning, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

02.56 Add Comment
Coronary heart disease (CHD) - a disease that combines angina, myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. IBS develops due to insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries of the heart due to narrowing of the lumen.

Coronary heart disease is by far one of the most common diseases in the world.

Unfortunately doctors and patients, the treatment of this "disease of the century" drugs is not efficient enough. After the tablet is unable to "dissolve" cholesterol plaques inside the vessel of the heart. Over the years, the plaque grows, making it difficult for blood flow, and the prospect of myocardial infarction becomes threatening. Required coronary artery bypass grafting - Heavy surgery. Unrest close, long months of recovery, the frightening word "disability" ...

However, do not despair. In our Cardiology there is an alternative and tablets, and complex operation: high-tech catheter sparing intervention - coronary angiography and balloon angioplasty with stenting of coronary arteries.

Judge for yourself: these procedures do not require anesthesia to be safe and well tolerated.

The very next day after the intervention you will walk, and less than a week - go back to their normal work without any restrictions.

Why there is coronary heart disease?

With age, the inner shell along the coronary arteries appear deposits of fatty substances such as cholesterol. These fatty deposits called atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, they grow, narrowing the lumen of the artery and impeding the flow of blood to the heart muscle. As a result of atherosclerotic plaques impede blood flow to the heart muscle, as we signaled chest pain - angina. So developing coronary heart disease.
Signs of coronary heart disease

In ischemic heart disease develop signs of cardiac activity - pain attacks in the heart, irregular heart rate, marked changes in the electrocardiogram.

We must bear in mind that CHD - is a disease that progresses very slowly. And it is very important to detect the disease in the early stages of development.

Important diagnostic sign of coronary heart disease is a feeling of discomfort in the chest or back, occurs while walking, a certain physical or emotional stress and passing after the termination of this load. A characteristic feature of angina is also the rapid disappearance of discomfort after taking nitroglycerin (10-15 sec.).

In recent years, an increasing number of cases of sudden death in patients with coronary artery disease. The defeat of the arteries supplying the heart, leading to stenosis and obstruction of them; resulting in disturbed blood supply to the heart muscle.

That contributes to the development of coronary heart disease?

hypertension (high blood pressure more than 140/90 mm Hg. Art.)
sedentary lifestyle
overweight / unhealthy diet
tobacco smoking
bad heredity (eg, hypertension or myocardial infarction with relatives)
excessive emotional stress, frequent stressful situations.
How to establish the diagnosis of coronary heart disease?

For an accurate diagnosis is necessary, first of all, seek a qualified cardiologist.

Credo professionals Tyumen Cardiology - individual approach to each patient.

Your doctor will carefully consider the causes and progression of the disease, prescribe the research needed to confirm the diagnosis. Comprehensive survey can go without leaving the building Tyumen Cardiology.

The final stage is a diagnostic coronary angiography. This is the most modern method is detailed, that allows to determine the number and size of atherosclerotic plaques, as well as their location in the heart vessels.

Diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease

Radiopaque research method that allows to precisely determine the nature, location and degree of narrowing of the coronary arteries is coronary angiography.
The procedure is performed (in most cases) under local anesthesia. Dr. introducer sets (tube for insertion of a catheter) into the femoral or radial artery. Through it introduces a long narrow tube - guiding catheter and promote it to the place of narrowing of the coronary arteries. At the time of administration of contrast medium doctor clearly sees on the screen all the disruption of blood flow.
If necessary, immediately after angiography, the doctor will angioplasty to restore blood flow to the damaged vessel.
From May 31, 1988 in Tyumen Cardiology held more than 10 000 coronary angiographies. In the training of doctors, having such a great experience, there is no doubt.

The main high-tech way to restore coronary artery is percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty. You can judge the essence of this manipulation on the basis of its name:
Percutaneous - indicates that the introduction of the catheter into the vessel through a skin puncture.
Transluminal - means that all manipulations are carried out through the vessels.
Balloon - means that the restoration of the lumen of the affected coronary artery by balloon inflation occurs at the site of vessel narrowing.
Coronary - means that the exposures are the coronary arteries, ie the arteries supplying the heart.
Angioplasty - means that the impact made on the vessel (from the word "angio" - a vessel).
By the end of 2007 (data B.Alekyana, Moscow, 2008) Tyumen Cardiology Center has entered the top five on the number of angioplasty and coronary artery stenting among 118 specialized clinics in Russia.
Transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty is by far the safest method of treatment of coronary heart disease worldwide.

Glossary of key terms

Cholesterol - a fat-like substance that enters the body with food of animal origin (fatty meat, butter, egg yolk, etc.). Cholesterol is "good" going to build cells and "bad." It is the "bad" cholesterol is deposited over the years on the walls of blood vessels, gradually narrowing their lumen.

Coronary heart disease - atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries (heart blood vessels), which leads to their narrowing (stenosis) and, as a consequence, to ischemia (lack of blood supply) of the heart muscle.

Angina - pain or discomfort in the chest while walking or other physical activity, coming to rest or nitroglycerin.

Invasive procedure - a procedure that is performed by the surgeon through a puncture or minimal incision using special equipment. In cardiology this term mean catheter interventions that do not require a large incision of the chest.

Stent - a small metal tube, made of a special alloy. Nerazdutom unexpanded stent on the balloon is in place necked vessel, whereupon the balloon is inflated under high pressure, and the stent being opened and strengthens the affected vessel wall and further serves as a frame.

Becarefull, White rice Can Cause Acne !

06.53 Add Comment

RICE is the staple food consumed by many people of Indonesia. Although generally white rice consumed, there are also varieties of rice which has the color pigments such as red rice, brown rice, and black rice.

The content contained on white rice is very diverse, including thiamin, niacin, folic acid, and iron. While brown rice has an additional extra fiber.

In addition to power, white rice also has a high sugar content. Moreover, if consumed too much and was not accompanied by sufficient exercise, the blood glucose level will rise so as to trigger a person's risk of developing diabetes.

It is difficult to change the mindset of the people of rice. In fact, until there is a joke that 'not eaten name if not eaten rice'. White rice does taste better than brown rice, potatoes, wheat, or corn. 

However, did you know to replace the staple diet of white rice you will reduce the risk of developing diabetes and even acne?

Acne that appears on your face is not only influenced by environmental or hormonal factors, but also dietary factors. Eating rice, for example, is able to increase the amount of insulin in the body that trigger inflammation and stimulates the release of hormones acne.

To help get rid of acne, you should replace high glycemic carbohydrates (white rice, potatoes, wheat bread, cornflakes, and others) with a lower glycemic, eating more protein than meat, cheese, or nuts.

If you usually eat 1 cup of white rice with some chicken and vegetables, reduce to ¼ cup of white rice with vegetable servings more. If you like sushi, you can switch to sashimi or sushi. Change pudding with yogurt without sugar.

How to Maintain Beautiful Skin Stay at Age 40

06.41 Add Comment

40 possible numbers that is feared by many women. At that age, the skin's ability to retain his condition continued to decline so that the signs of aging on the face starts to look significantly. For example, fine lines around the eyes, wrinkles, as well as a decrease in skin firmness.
The aging process is influenced by many things, including sun exposure, pollution, stress, and others.

Here are tips that you can do to keep skin looking beautiful and fresh:


Peeling or exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin surface. Removing dead cells will improve skin tone, open clogged pores, and helps prevent acne. Use a gentle facial scrub.

Use moisturizer

With age, the skin tends to be dry because the oil producing glands become less active. The Mayo Clinic recommends choosing an oil-based moisturizer containing petrolatum, or AHA along with antioxidants to combat wrinkles.

Focus on the eyes

Makeup on the eyes will distract from any fine lines or wrinkles. For day-to-day, apply a matte eyeshadow brightly colored textured creamy, soft pink, or caramel.

Select the proper concealer

In addition to a lot of drinking and getting enough sleep, proper concealer will solve the problem of eye bags or circles. Choose a textured liquid concealer lighter results.

Avoid wearing dark lipstick

Dark colored lipstick can make a person look older. Instead, try a rosy red lipstick and pink.

Note the dark spots

Over time, dark spots, acne scars, and sun spots will be more visible. To fix this, look for products that contain vitamin C facial that will help cover dark spots and reduce it gradually.

Divorce of Parents Can Trigger Stress and Diabetes in Children

06.31 Add Comment

STRESS can be experienced by anyone, including the children. In fact, domestic problems, including when parents have to split also affects levels of perceived stress and the child can affect the risk of the child developing diabetes.

More recently, a study of emergency Linkoping University, Sweden, said that divorce and separation can increase a child's risk of developing diabetes type 1. Indeed, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is relatively more related to lifestyle. However, more than 95 percent of cases of diabetes in children is type 1 and the number has increased in recent years.

Studies conducted in Sweden aims to determine the result of family conflict such as whether there is a change in the family structure, the interference of others, unemployment and economic strata. The research team stressed because of stress-related family problems are difficult to avoid, then each member of the family needs support to resolve the issue.

In children, it is definitely when the guidance as they are the father or mother. For this study, researchers analyzed 10,000 families with marriage age two to fourteen years. Each parent was given a questionnaire and asked to write down what are the events in his life, the stress caused in the care of the child, as well as concerns with financial problems. Of the 10,000 families, 58% of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

"Although the factors that cause type 1 diabetes has not been identified, it is usually preceded by the immune system that attacks and kills the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin usual. Stress during childhood can contribute to the stress experienced by the beta cells due to increased insulin resistance . Not to mention the increased insulin levels due to physiological stress response, such as increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol "said one of the researchers.

Quoted from the Telegraph, Monday (13/04/2015), the researchers conclude, based on some previous studies, this study concludes that experience serious life events and shows enough psychological stress during the first 14 years of life may be a risk factor for diabetes type 1. By Therefore, when a person is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, also recommended to consider the problems that never happened.

Excited Ahead of The Birth Can Be Tricked with Two Techniques It

06.06 Add Comment

THE presence of the baby is happy as well as pride. But before delivery, most pregnant women should feel anxious and worried, for example with the pain experienced during childbirth or fear when the baby is born imperfect.

It is also shared by experts stimulation child, Irene F Mongkar. "See how the role of the brain. When the brain thinks it is difficult, so the process was more difficult," he said in an Educational Journey Pregnancy Prenagen event held at Hotel Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta, and written on Monday (04/13/2015).

Yet according to a psychologist who is familiarly called Bubun it, there are tricks that can be used by pregnant women to calm herself before delivery. The technique in question is breathing and visualization techniques.

The first way is breathing exercises. "Breathe slowly, dipejamkan eyes, count to 10 slowly. Then hold for a while, then release it slowly while counting backwards from 10," he said.

For all exercises, this technique was repeated twice to pregnant women feel completely relaxed. This breathing exercise followed by visualization.

"Here we imagine what it was like giving birth. Can interspersed with words, such as expressing the readiness of the mother when the baby is born, 'Mama is ready to receive you, papa also want to see you', and so on," he continued.

Bubun say if this is done every day before delivery, pregnant women are expected to be ready, or at least not nervous when the baby is ready to be born into the world.

In the same occasion, Dr. Boy Abidin, SpOG (K) of the RS Mitra Kelapa Gading Families also provide an alternative for pregnant women in order to get peace before delivery. The way the question is communicating with the prospective baby or listen to classical music.

Braces Can Make Easy Sprue and Cavities ?

05.54 Add Comment

Some people who use braces complained of skin susceptible to thrush. Not only that, some are complaining teeth so easily perforated. How did it happen?

"Certainly when paired teeth foreign objects or new items in the mouth require adaptation (adjustment). Thrush, slightly scuffed or discomfort for a while will be experienced because of slight friction that occurs between braces and mouth as a form of adaptation process, "explained drg Oktri Manesa of Oktri Manesa Dental Clinic in conversation with detikHealth and written on Monday (13/04/2015).

The use of braces can make the teeth faster and faster dirty holes due to poor cleaning. That is why, patients who wear orthodontic should be an extra in dental hygiene and mouth.
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"Usually the dentist will suggest to use special equipment orthodontic kit is designed specifically for orthodontic patients, such as ortho brush, interdental brush, ortho travel, wax and dental floss," said drg Oktri.

Those who use braces usually also instructed to avoid eating foods that out loud. Why? Because solids allows braces and rubber will escape, not only that the wire can also get out of the way.

"Must maintain oral hygiene (oral health), more consumption of water, vegetables and fruit for the oral environment is not dry," Oktri drg advice.

Related colorful braces that is currently widely used, according to drg Oktri, safe to use for given directly by the dentist. But he could not ensure the security of braces that are sold online or by dental experts at roadside.
This is Food To Lowering Uric Acid

This is Food To Lowering Uric Acid

01.46 Add Comment
If at this time you or your family are there who are sick because of uric acid should not be taken lightly. Immediately treat gout, but also be aware of some food taboos uric acid. Well on this occasion I will various rare secret recipe published in the medical world regarding food gout sufferers. Such as a menu or a nice meal consumed for gout sufferers of this.

The disease is caused by uric acid because of the content of uric acid levels in the blood rises and consequently there was a buildup of crystals in the joints. So a healthy diet for gout sufferers is hopefully can help to control the supply of uric acid in your body. Treatment of gout is intended that you suffered disease today is not progress to more severe. We can find several types of food that is safe for uric acid at a cheap price and is around us.

This is food Lowering Uric Acid

  • White water, you should drink water as much as 10 to 12 per day, is beneficial to remove the toxins that are in the body and also serves discard excess uric acid.
  • Fruit Cherries, the content of this fruit has anti-inflammatory substances named in anthocyanin and of course this will make your body healthy as it can to reduce the amount of uric acid in the body and also prevent crystallization of uric acid in the joints. Another benefit is dar cherries to membalance acid is also able to prevent inflammation and joint pain. The trick is to eat cherries as much as 200 grams per day in order to obtain good results and good.
  • Apples, apples that have a content of maleic acid can to neutralize uric acid. The trick is to diligently consumption of apples at least 1 apple every day after you finish eating.
  • Lime, citric acid content in lime is a solvent acid excellent and very natural. Drink 1 cup lime juice twice a day can keep the immune system well.
  • Long beans France, we could make it into juice and we can drink in a day is twice only. Long bean juice is quite effective as a natural herbal lowering uric acid.
  • Celery Seed Extract, this is a natural remedy that is most easy to get around us, especially those of you who like to cook celery seed'll often come across this.
  • Vinegar Apple, this is great for lowering uric acid. The trick is to add 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water and we can repeat this 2-3 times a day.
  • Carrot juice, cucumber and bits, this is a good vegetable for making juice to treat and reduce levels of uric acid to the body.
  • Fruit & Vegetable Vitamin C High, some fruits that contain vitamin C are usually good for gout. Examples are guava, kiwi, lime, lemon, oranges, tomatoes, green vegetables as well.
  • Salmon, Potatoes, Corn, Brown Black, Broccoli, Black Pulm, black tea, and bananas are some of the recommended foods and healthy for gout sufferers.

Taste the Delicious Beans Make a Healthy Heart

23.36 Add Comment

Unfortunately a lot of information circulating about the health of beans has misled us. Many most people say when we snack nuts that will make your face acne. Akacang because it contains fat and trigger the appearance of acne.

Though researchers have said, snacking actually very good for the body. Nuts can make our bodies to be healthy and that especially in our heart that will become stronger than ever. Expert researchers from Vanderbilt University study in the United States said, "Nuts are very rich in nutrients such as fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and also arginine vitokimia", he said Xiao-Ou Shu.

The research experts have added that, "All the nutritional content is already known to be so beneficial to the health of our heart, because beans have properties such as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative so be able to maintain the health of the heart", he added.

Eating nuts could also able to prevent the attack of free radicals that can destroy the healthy cells in our heart. So we do not have to worry anymore if we really liked the food nut. Because if peanuts are consumed with the amount that was perfectly natural, the nut is able to provide some benefits for our health.

Many of the benefits that exist in this nut can make the human heart to be healthy, and even not only for heart healthy, but can also provide the health of other organs in our body. So basically, it's not all beans can make facial skin misleading, but beans can also nourish our bodies.

Benefits and Dangers of Meat Goats for Health

23.13 Add Comment

Mutton is one of the intake of foods that are so familiar to all of the people in Indonesia. Goat curry, satay and also tongseng goats are the kinds of food that made from processed meat goats. Around the world also already know that goat meat is one flesh with its distinctive red color types and most widely consumed by humans throughout the world. Previous also updates on Able to Make Tomato Juice Diet Lean Stomach.

Goat meat is sometimes also has a bad reputation because can increase cholesterol and high blood pressure. But behind all that, mutton has some health benefits for tablets. And here are the benefits of goat meat for health. Usually when the feast of Eid al-Adha many people who consume meat goat, because many who practice their religion sacrifice, and most of them were slaughtered goat. When the Eid al-Adha, Beware Disease Hypertension and Cholesterol Will Rise.

Benefits of Meat Goats

Goat meat has been claimed to be to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Although saturated fat, but the mutton was actually able to be able to reduce the risk of inflammation attacks and also can make a person's heart rate more stable.

Goat meat is a good source of dietary intake for getting CLA, the fatty acids that can prevent cancer and other inflammatory conditions. In the mutton was there any vitamin B that is able to burn fat. When compared to other similar meat, goat meat contains more protein and also has a fairly low level of saturated fat. Therefore, the fact is that goat meat is very good for weight control and can reduce the risk of obesity.

Goat meat does contain selenium and choline are also very good for preventing cancer. In addition, for women who are pregnant will be very well he consume goat meat is to prevent anemia. Meat goats will be able to give an intake of hemoglobin to the mother and can also increase the blood supply to the fetus.

Content of Cholesterol, Fat, Protein Meat Goats

Benefits Meat Goats For Pregnant Women Young
Put this goat meat foods to pregnant women who are on a diet, because it would be able to prevent the occurrence of defects in the fetus. Meat goats could give a iron intake for women who are menstruating. Not only that, mutton can also be used for relieving pain in women during menstruation.

Goat meat is rich in vitamin B12, the meat will be a good food for healthy skin. Not only that, vitamin B12 is also able to help relieve stress and depression. Goat meat has to contain omega-3 fatty acids are a lot, which can take care of the content of autism.

Ingredients Probiotics In Yogurt Affect Mood and Prevent Depression

22.18 Add Comment

During this time the content of probiotics contained in yogurt is being used to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract only. But apparently this content also affects one's mood, thus helping to avoid depression.

Probiotics has been known to help treat irritable bowel syndrome, infectious diarrhea, maintain healthy skin and mouth. Well, a recent study of the Leiden Institute of Brain and Cognition at Leiden University, the Netherlands showed that probiotics can help to improve mood.

Consumption of yogurt and even believed to be a good way to fight anxiety or depression. Especially after you pass a bad day.

To prove this theory, the researchers examined 40 young adults without a mood disorder. Half of them powdered probiotic supplements every night for four weeks. This probiotic supplement reportedly contains eight types of bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Lactococcus. While other participants taking placebo.

As a result, they are probiotic supplements dilaporlan experienced improvement in their mood. They reported having a better mood and avoid excess stress, when compared with those taking placebo. In other words, people who consume probiotic supplements are better able to cope with a bad mood.

"These results provide evidence that the intake of probiotics can help reduce the negative thoughts associated with sad mood," said Lorenza S. Colzato, author of the study, as quoted by Time, Monday (04/13/2015).

According to another study in 2013 that examined the association between intestinal bacteria and mental health, not much is known about how the digestive system can affect mood and behavior disorders. Further research will be related to it. Nevertheless, it provides a menu of Greek yogurt several times a week are believed to be able to have a positive effect on your mood.