Less Drinking Water and Eat Fiber Can Make Your Mood Worsens


Less Drinking Water and Eat Fiber Can Make Your Mood Worsens - The influence of food intake with the risk of mental illness has been known to many people. Some foods can cause a person to be obese, which can increase the risk of depression and dementia.

However, not many studies linking the influence of food intake in the mood 'someone. Prof. Gary L Wenk, PhD from Ohio State University and Medical Center, said that in fact, the effect of food intake on mood 'someone very large.

"There has been no large-scale studies that look at what the effect of food on the condition of the soul. But some studies suggest that an unhealthy diet can increase the risk of depression in later life," he said, Saturday (11/04/2015).

Journal of Nutritional Neuroscience analyze several food intake is believed to affect one's mood. Participants who totaled 84 people monitored the pattern and the food menu by researchers for 23 months.

The menu is served also varied ranging from cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat and water intake. Researchers also monitor calories, fat, cholesterol, salt and fiber were eaten by the participants.

The results showed that those who frequently eat meat, milk and has a fat content in the blood that is high on average have a bad mood. While those who consume more water, fiber, magnesium and other minerals have a better mood.

Prof Wenk concluded that high dietary fiber as well as the adequacy of the water needs to have an important role in maintaining one's mood remained good. He also suggested that people who often ugly mood to eat more fruits and vegetables so as not depressed in the future.

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