Immunotherapy, Other Ways to Treat Cancer Immune Cells Utilizing Body

Immune cells not only serve to keep the immune system in order not to get sick person. In patients with cancer, immune cells can be used for treatment known as immunotherapy.

Explained Executive Director of chinese Clinical Medical Association, Professor Li Xiaoshi, immunotherapy is the use of biotechnology in breeding method of immune cells from the patient's body in a certain amount. Then, the immune cells that have been bred inserted again into the patient.

"The trick with increased immune infused so. By building the immune cells, will awaken the castle to fight cancer," said Prof. Li on the sidelines of the First ASEAN Forum on Minimally Invasive Academic Therapy for Tumor Treatment Academic Committee held Invasive Tumor and Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou at Ayodya Resort Bali, as written on Sunday (12/04/2015).

Prof. Li added, one of which is a combination immunotherapy immunotherapy procedure. Basically, in the immune cells there are some cells such as DC-CIK cells. Well, these cells bred to kill and kill cancer patients with increased immunity.

"We combined DC-CIK cells, NK, and others from various sides to kill cancer patients and increase stamina and prevent recurrence. Indeed, each cell has a different function," said Prof. Li.

For example, DC cells, also called anti-tumor radar. Although it does not have the ability to kill cancer cells but cells DC can detect tumor cells. After finding the tumor cells in the body, will be distributed signal to tumor cell antigens eg T cells, NK cells, and lymphocytes that can kill, engulf, and destroy tumor cells.

Then, CIK cells also called cancer enemy. CIK cells can release sitoksin that not only suppresses tumor growth but also increase immunity, which indirectly can help kill tumor cells.

"The activities of the most potent, inhibiting the growth of tumor cells and kill them. Then, Y gamma T cells in the skin and mucosal tissues. These cells can kill tumor even though the amount is not more than 5% of T cells," said Prof. Li.

Then, there is also a Cell CD3AK or tumor-induced killer cells and activated by anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody and IL-2. Finally, tersaoat NK cells, natural killer cells yaitusp as the basis of tumor cellular immunity, reached 15% of all immune cells in the blood.

"The procedure is customized immunotherapy immune procedure with the quality of each patient. In some patients, therapy is also combined with other therapies, such as cryotherapy so that the results could be more comprehensive treatment and the maximum," said Prof. Li.

"Cryotherapy can kill tumor cells in different sizes in a faster time. Once the tumor cell is turned off, the metabolism will occur gradually. After that, immunotherapy to suppress the recurrence rate for cancer cells that have been turned off still exist in the body," he concluded.

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