Sitting Position Insecure For Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, the mother should start thinking about a lot of things in order to stay healthy and safe during pregnancy. One thing that many overlooked is the correct sitting position while pregnant. The sitting position is wrong not only cause discomfort but can also be bad for the health of mothers and infants, therefore mothers must be smart in choosing a sitting position to avoid things that are not in want. Here are a few mistakes sitting position during pregnancy should be avoided:


In early pregnancy, may sit hunched position would not feel so bad effects, however if age kehaminan already the third trimester, hunched position will be very heavy. If accustomed to sitting position could endanger the health of pregnant women because the burden is too heavy in the belly of the spine will cause the mother to be bent because of the burden that must be at the crutch by the spinal cord. This position is very uncomfortable for the mother and also harmful to the baby. If the seating position is not fixed soon, the ribs can suppress the baby's body and leave scars.

Sitting With Dangling Legs

Sitting with legs hanging is not recommended for women who are pregnant. This is because sitting with legs hanging will increase blood flow to the feet, which can lead to swelling of the legs. Swelling of the feet is common during pregnancy. But this sitting position will aggravate the condition. Therefore, keep your feet flat on the floor when sitting.

Sitting Without Lean

Stool will make your back feel tense. Back pain during pregnancy would be worse if not leaning back and keep the spine straight. Avoid sitting on a bench or chair with a short rest in order to keep the spine straight.

Half Sitting

The sitting position is often done in a half sitting on the bed. Half-sitting position to put pressure on the spinal cord. This can lead to pain in the back and coccyx if. This position provides a lot of pressure on the spinal cord. Mothers may begin to feel pain in the back when sitting in this position for a long time.

Then, Sitting Position The Like What's Safe For Pregnant Women?

During pregnancy, weight gain greatly affect the ligaments and muscles. This can cause pain in the body making it difficult to sit correctly. Ideally, the best sitting position for pregnant women is the position of the back straight with shoulders pulled back. During pregnancy, the foot will be vulnerable to pain due to weight gain. Therefore, when sitting or standing, the mother needs to balance the weight on both feet by dividing the portion of the body on both hips. Pregnant women also should not be sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes.

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