Health Trick - Youthful is the dream of many people. The skin remains taut and stamina stayed up despite the growing age. The mystery of aging is a mystery that still continue to be investigated by scientists. What causes a berkeriput to be weak, and ultimately dies? It is a question unanswered mystery.
The process of aging as a natural process that is absolutely cannot be changed. Now, however, a glimmer of hope began to appear and reveals the mystery of aging in humans. The underlying process of human aging is believed to be due to the shortening of a string of human DNA genetic strands, called Telomeres. Human cells continually divide or berduplikasi to defend his survival. Well, every cell of the berduplikasi is believed to result in Telomeres become increasingly short. So the older person and the more cell duplication occurs, the Telomere gets shorter. This Telomere shortening will culminate in aging and ultimately death.
Based on a study conducted in Ameriksa States, healthy living patterns apparently can extend Telomeres. As described above that the shortening of Telomeres is associated with aging. Walalupun more research is still needed to confirm the results of the research there have been, however, the results of this research provide the key early how to stay youthful and healthy.
Healthy living patterns are recommended in the study which became a key youthful is as follows:
- Try eating protein berumber from plants such as soybeans, nuts. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, wheat meal and try to decrease the fat content in your diet.
- Make it a habit to work out the level of moderately for 30 minutes six days per week. Run around the House can be an easy way to health.
- Reduce Your stress level by doing activities such as yoga stretching, breathing and meditation exercises for at least 60 minutes per day.
This research concluded that the pattern of healthy living is related to Telomere lengthening. Although further research is needed to confirm the results of this study, but there is no harm in adopting healthy life patterns. Healthy life pattern as described above, has been proven to be beneficial in the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.