His usual cyst we know growing on ovarian cyst can grow now, also on the part of the breast, why so, want to know his reasons, let us refer to his explanation here.
Breast cysts are not unlike the cysts grow in the uterus. Generally rounded pouch-shaped chewy and tasted like a balloon filled with liquids. As the name implies, a cyst in medical terms is called fibrocystic disease of the breast appears in the breast.
Who are at risk of having the disease is mostly women above the age of 30 years. However, it does not cover the possibility of women under 30 years of age also can experience it.
The lump is benign are usually not going to grow into cancer. However, still need to look out for. First, these cysts do not just appear one on one breast, sometimes also can appear up to 17 and there are lumps on either side of the breast.
Second, breast cysts can occur repeatedly. The treatment does not guarantee 100% able to repel a cyst. So, people who've never experienced, remain at high risk for suffering from breast cysts again. As long as the nature of the cyst is not transformed into a malignant and does not feel intrusive, will not be a problem.
The cause of
Cysts appear as anything to do with breast tissue response to changes in estrogen levels that occurs each month during reproductive. As we know each month during the menstrual cycle, breast tissue to swell.
Hormonal stimulation of breast tissue is causing the breast retain water as well as mammary glands and widened its channels. The liquid is then able to gather and form cysts.
At the time of menstruation, breast self admittedly feels swollen, painful, and has bumps. After menstruation, breast swelling usually decreases, no longer too painful and there are lumps.
Well, because the cause is hormonal, the cyst may be waning, even disappear when a woman entering menopause. However, it is often also the cyst gets larger even though it was menopause.
The diagnosis is based on symptoms and upheld results of physical examinations. Palpable cysts can be slippery, driven, assertive and sometimes painful unbounded when pressed. The usual checks carried out to ensure there is breast cysts are:
- Mammography *
To reduce pain, fluid from the cyst may be taken using a needle. If the liquid contains blood, Brown or murky, or return collected within 12 weeks after the fluid is taken, then the entire cyst must be removed surgically because of the possibility of violence can occur on the wall of a cyst.