Tips On Choosing The Right Contact Lenses!

Do you like using contact lenses? Whether you choose it correctly? In fact you cannotcarelessly menggenakan contact lenses, there are a few things you need to consider.What would it be? Note the following information!

There are at least two types of contact lenses based on texture, both types of contact lenses this affects functionality, comfort, and its duration.

Soft contact lenses

This type of contact lenses are commonly used by those who are fond of sports, active or a soft texture make this comfortable contact lenses and not easy to shift, sincecorresponds to the shape of your eyes. Therefore, people often choose it and was quite popular in the United States.

Contact lenses is not for style, but rather help those who have eye disorders, such asthat experienced by people with low vision (myopia), far nearsightedness (hyperopia),old age (presbyopia) eyes, and astigmatism.

Soft contact lenses (soft) it also has some kind of depending on its use, for example:

  • Contact lenses are used for daily usage, it is usually used during the day. After that, the contact lenses will be cleaned and given a disinfectant at night. For the age ofcontact lenses themselves depend on manufacturers who make it and the price is not too expensive.
  • Contact lenses are used for long term duration. These contact lenses can you wearwhile sleeping without having to take it off. However, once a week contact lens needs to be cleaned up. It's just that you need to be careful if using it on the break, becausethere is still a risk of occurrence of infections of the eye.
  • Disposable contact lenses, contact lenses of this type is very expensive. This contactlens does not require treatment and duration vary — there are daily, weekly, or evenmonthly. This type of contact lenses are typically used for those who are sensitive tothe liquid disinfectant and rarely wear contact lenses.

Hard contact lenses

It has the texture of contact lenses are rigid, the air can absorb, and gives a clear view.This type of contact lenses are typically used if you are not satisfied of the resultsgiven by soft contact lenses. Because the air can absorb, these contact lenses can reduce eye infections.

Treatment of hard contact lenses (hard) to do with routine and have such flaws;adjusting the view for one week, it's easy to shift from its position, and sometimescause discomfort in the eye.

If your eye condition is not changed at the time of examination of the eyes on a regular basis, the corresponding contact lenses can be used up to 2 or 3 years.

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