Cases of autism are currently more and more found in Indonesia. Currently the diseaseautism can already be detected from an early age. Nevertheless, knowledge of layabout autism and how to manage them is still not widely known to the public.
Autism is a disorder characterized by weakening the ability to socialize, behave and speak. Autism is often referred to as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). to find out ifyour child has autism, it is important to know the symptoms, ranging from actions ofcurative (healing) to preventive measures (prevention), and the food is good and whatis not good is consumed by people with autism.
The causes of autism itself is still not known for sure. Until recently, most researchers believe that autism is caused by genetic factors. However, recent research suggests that environmental factors are also a cause of autism. The environment in this contextis anything that exists outside the body, is not limited to pollution or toxins in the atmosphere. One of the environmental factors that might cause such prenatal factors in autism is less nutrients or consumption of certain drugs during pregnancy.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, autism is a developmentaldisorder in children happens at around 3.4% of 1000 children aged between 3 to 10 years. Autism affects the function of the motor, intellectual and social, as well as the inability to use the sensorial senses in an effective manner the effect on overallbehavior. Autism is generally diagnosed after doctors observe the behaviour anddevelopment of children. However, there are some indicators that suggest autism in children, including:
Impaired social ability
Autism is closely related to the ability of social disorder in which the sufferer to interact differently with people in General. The symptoms are mild, the traits of autismthat appears is the child looks awkward when dealing with others, removingcomments that are offensive to others, and seems alienated while gathered withothers.
Autistic persons with autistic symptoms are severe levels usually do not likeinteracting with others and tend to avoid eye contact. Most older persons with autismdo not like if they are touched or embraced. However, not all showing the same symptoms. Some children with autism often and love to hug them close to it.
Disorders of speech
Characteristics of autism can be detected by knowing the ability of speech in children.Developmental speech pattern is lacking as well as the minimal use of language skillsmakes children less able to make autism social interaction.
About 40% of children with autism cannot speak or can only say a few words only.Approximately 25-30% can say a few words at the age of 12-18 months, but later lost the ability to speak. Children with disabilities autism intonation when speaking usuallytend to be flat and formal in nature. They also tend to repeat certain words or phrases, or known as echolalia.
Difficulty empathizing
It is very difficult for young people with autism to understand other people's feelings, so they rarely empathized with respect to others. They also tend to be difficult to recognise and understand body language or speech intonation. When talking with others, communication tends to be one direction because they are a lot more talking about himself. The good news, the ability to empathize it can be trained and upgraded if they routinely are reminded to learn to consider the feelings of others.
Repetitive behavior patterns
Autistic children tend to do repetitive or routine that love to do repetitive body movements such as certain objects, walk around, snapping fingers, resistance tochange is a routine thing, high sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as sound, touch, taste, or light. Any changes to the daily routine will be very troubling to them. Thisrepetitive action may vary and is known as stimulating activities and usually become an obsession for autism sufferers.
Unbalanced development
Development on autistic children tend to be unequal: developments in one area it happens quickly and yet hampered in other fields. For example, the development ofcognitive capabilities occurs rapidly but the ability to talk is still obstructed or the development of the ability to talk to occur rapidly but the motor ability is stillhampered.