Health Trick - Everyone certainly never experienced such thing as a headache. Headaches are the result of the failure of sensitive structures that are sensitive to pain in the head and neck, the scalp, lower in fat tissues of the head, muscles of the head and neck, blood vessels, eyes, ears, teeth, sinuses, throat, and upper nerves – nerves in the head. Most cases of headaches are not caused by the disease is dangerous and not damaging the brain. Causes of headaches vary greatly, therefore a complete examination is required in order for accurate diagnosis and effective.
The primary headaches
Primary headaches are headaches caused by interference on the structure at the head of which is sensitive to the pain and not a symptom of another disease. 90% of headaches are included in the primary. In some people, the primary headache is a condition that is passed down through generations in his family. Primary headache disorders are not found a real body organs, are also still in the process of research. Kind of headache primary headaches including are:
1. Tense headaches (tension headache)
About 55-60% of cases of primary headache in the tense headaches. Headache is characterized by pain, a sense of discomfort and a sense of strain, like a tied up on both sides of the head, and the illness is not pulsating. The intensity of the headache is mild to moderate, evolving slowly then the longer the more powerful and can last a few hours to a few days.
2. Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches more frequently experienced by men age young adults. The trigger is stress, alcohol and certain foods. Cluster headaches are characterized by headaches next to, around the eye and eyebrow. Sick of this coconut is continuous and the longer the more excellent. This headache disorders can occur for one or two months a year. Symptoms of cluster headache usually cannot be appeased with free drugs, you need to consult a doctor to get a more specific treatment.
3. Migraine headache
People who experience migraines will feel one side or both sides of the head seemed to be pulsating. These headaches can keep recurring and make everyday routines disturbed. .. The incidence of migraine triggers include stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, menstruation and birth control pills. Migraines generally can be addressed with medication that is sold freely. If migraines are severe, you need to see a doctor to get a prescription drug that is stronger and gaining further handling.
Secondary headaches
Secondary headaches are headaches caused by other causes. Therefore, the time of onset of headache adjacent to a known cause. Possible causes of headaches this category generally is a disorder of the eyes (glaucoma), nose (sinusitis), ears, teeth, high blood pressure, head injury, inflammation of the membrane (meningitis) head to tumors of the brain. Consult a doctor immediately if you experience pain in the head, the head pain complaints does not disappear with the usual drunk, remedies and pain occur on the face or around the eyes.