Health Trick - Good quality water is needed for the necessities of life to man, animals and plants. Therefore, we need to know the traits of good quality water for consumption, especially by men.
Here we discuss about the quality of the water well physically. Good quality water is physically:
A sense of
Water quality is a good clean is not felt. Taste can be caused due to organic substances or bacteria. other usur into bodies of water
The smell of
Water quality is a good clean is odorless, because the smell can be caused by decomposition of organic substances such as bacteria as well as the possibility of indirect consequences of environmental pollution, especially sanitation systems.
In General, water temperature rise will lead to increase in biological activity that will form O2 more. Water temperature rise naturally is usually caused by the logging activities of the vegetation around the water source, thus causing the number of the incoming light from the Sun affect the aquifer that is directly or indirectly.
Water turbidity can be caused by the presence of organic materials and inorganic turbidity can also represent the color. In terms of aesthetics are turbidity of water associated with the possible presence of pollution through wastewater is water color depends on the color of the body of water that enters the wastewater
TDS or total dissolved solids (total dissolved solids)
Is a solid material that is left as residue on evaporation and drying at a temperature of 103 C-105 C in portable water most of the fuel is in the form of dissolved inorganic salts of the gases which are dissolved.
The content of total solids in portable water is usually between 20 long-range up to 1000 mg/l and as a guideline the violence of water will increase the total solids, in addition to all the koloit amount of liquid material not dissolved and suspended materials will increase as the degree of contamination (sutrisno, 1991).
There is always a solid substances in the water and if the amount is too much is not good as drinking water, many solid substances presupposed for drinking water is less than 500 mg/l. Influence that concerns the health aspects of drinking water kualias deviations in terms of total solids is that water will give a bad taste on the tongue and the nausea.