Parents have the ultimate control of the environment and the experience gained of the child. One of them in the selection of food, because eating patterns and selection of food parents can become an example for children. Parents especially mothers is one of the main child role model in the formation of their eating patterns, because generally the mother doing more direct interaction with their children in some situations (including when eating).
Behavior and the level of satisfaction of parents to their body can also affect the behavior of eating children. Mothers who have weight issues or eating disorders, generally tend to further limit their child's food intake, which also trigger behavior problems eating and weight of the child. This relationship is related to the child's perception of the pressure experienced by the mother unwittingly them to lose weight.
Here's the 7 habits eating patterns can have an impact on parent child development :
1. Understand the eating habits of children in the family sphere
2. Encourage children to choose healthy food and introduce new foods to children
3. Avoid the forced feeding of the child
4. Be a good example.
Parents can be role models either positive or negative. In some studies, the children and adolescents who ate at the same time with their parents eat more vegetables and fruits than kids who eat alone
5. Pay attention to the sign if the child is already full.
The body of the infant and young children can usually set your own caloric intake required and will stop eating when full. Avoid forcing children to spend her food if she was not hungry
6. The natural impulse of parents who tend to prohibit and restrict the child to consume certain foods, it can often trigger a child to eat in excess.
When the children presented a varied choice of food, they tend to pick foods that are not allowed as compared to their healthy food, especially if the mother not being around them
7. Key to the formation of children's eating patterns are held by parents, among others in:
- Choose meal time
- provides a selection of the type of nutrient dense foods such as fruits and vegetables instead of high energy foods and less nutritious foods such as fast food
- give a share of the food in accordance with the age of the child
- limit the consumption of snacks and drinks that are high in sugar
- maintaining appropriate child growth curves of growth, and body mass index in the normal range
- packed together on a regular basis so that children get the social interaction and a good role model from the people around him
- limit the use of playing video games, gadgets, and watch television up to 2 hours a day
- demonstrated and teach children to eat is in place